
126. Bocablades.combocablades.com

网站简介:Schedule, pictures and contact information for this club based in Boca Raton.

127. Kcfencing.orgkcfencing.org

网站简介:Coach profiles, club history, programs and costs, competitive results and contacts.

128. Csuvikings.com/sports/c-fence/index

网站简介:Press releases, roster and schedule for this Ohio college varsity team.

129. Hpfc.org.ukhpfc.org.uk

网站简介:Club logistics and contacts with information on all three weapons and a glossary of fencing terms.ms.

130. Hudsonberkshire.orghudsonberkshire.org

网站简介:Information for the Division covering eastern New York, western Massachusetts and southern Vermont.

131. Marylandfencing.commarylandfencing.com

网站简介:A club with classes for beginners and training for advanced competitors located in Abindgon. News, schedule, prices and tournaments.

132. Niwfa.comniwfa.com

网站简介:Organization to develop women's intercollegiate fencing and to sponsor an annual championship. Contains its history, upcoming events, results, and featured teams.

133. Swordsport.comswordsport.com

网站简介:Video streams of US and international competitions and links to news sources.

134. Undergroundfencing.orgundergroundfencing.org

网站简介:Schedules and meeting times with photo gallery, message board, and fencing information. Based in Livonia.

135. Wasatchfencing.comwasatchfencing.com

网站简介:Practice times, fees, membership roster, and related links from this club focused on youth fencing.

136. Windycityfencing.comwindycityfencing.com

网站简介:Information about fencing and fencing competitions, classes and private lessons. Includes tournament results and photographs.

137. Hopkinssports.com/sports/w-fenc/jhop-w-fenc-body.html

网站简介:Roster, schedule and alumni information for the women's team at this Baltimore, Maryland university.

138. Redstormsports.com/sports/c-fenc/stjo-c-fenc-body.html

网站简介:News items and press releases, schedule, team roster and photographs for this Jamaica, New York team.

139. Hopkinssports.com/sports/m-fenc/jhop-m-fenc-body.html

网站简介:Provides news, roster, schedule, results, and archives for the men's team in Baltimore, Maryland.d.

140. Alliance-fencing-academy.comalliance-fencing-academy.com

网站简介:Fencing for all ages in the middle of Houston Area. Coaches, classes and schedules.

141. Cencalfencing.comcencalfencing.com

网站简介:Division officers, tournament schedules and clubs in Central California.

142. Fencer.comfencer.com

网站简介:Offers classes in the Washington, DC area; includes information on the Chevy Chase Fencing Club..

143. Https://sites.google.com/site/niufencingclub/

网站简介:A student-run fencing club for students, faculty, and alumni of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb.

144. Https://sites.google.com/a/saskfencing.org/sask-fencing/

网站简介:Provides current, official information about the sport of fencing in the province.

145. Https://sites.google.com/site/newcastlefence/university-of-newcastle-fencing-club

网站简介:Information on this club located in Newcastle, NSW.

146. Https://sites.google.com/site/uucfencing/home

网站简介:Times, locations and weapon facts.

147. Https://www.facebook.com/UoBfencing

网站简介:Location, practice times, tournament calendar, photographs and contacts.

148. Https://www.facebook.com/Chicago-Lakeshore-Fencers-Club-20768017190/

网站简介:Information about the fencing programs offered, coaches, students, and club.

149. Https://www.facebook.com/CoventryUniversityFencingClub

网站简介:Provides brief rules, schedule, results, committee profile, BUSA information, photos, wheelchair fencing, practice sessions, and related links.

150. Https://www.facebook.com/fencing.latrobe/

网站简介:Provides photos, training information, calendar, and officer list for this club operating out of this Victoria university.