
151. Https://www.facebook.com/Salle-Honolulu-Modern-Fencing-Club-5934821519/

网站简介:Tournament results for club members and general information for a fencing club operating in Honolulu.

152. Https://www.facebook.com/pages/UCT-Fencing/172393549476314

网站简介:Information on the University of Cape Town's fencing club in South Africa.

153. Https://www.facebook.com/UEAFencing

网站简介:Provides news items, membership details, a diary, safety, and an officer listing.

154. Https://www.facebook.com/uoefencing

网站简介:Calendar, photographs, event results and contacts.

155. Https://www.facebook.com/UHAUFencing

网站简介:Home of the Bunnies. Practise times, location, news and results. Also includes a weapon troubleshooting guide.

156. Https://www.facebook.com/PUFencing

网站简介:Location and time, with a description of the three weapons, photographs, calendar and results.

157. Https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sussex-University-Fencing-Club/111137072280566

网站简介:Practise times and location, with fixtures, results and photographs. Also includes contact information for all of the other clubs in the county.

158. Https://www.facebook.com/warwickfencing

网站简介:Costs, hours and location information, results and club contacts.

159. Sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/stocktonfencingclub/

网站简介:Meeting times and a discussion forum for Stockton fencers.

160. Nytimes.com/library/sports/olympics/071200oly-fencing.html

网站简介:New York Times article on US Olympic fencer, Cliff Bayer; registration required to access.

161. Usatoday.com/sports/olympics/olyglory/2003-04-02-smart_x.htm

网站简介:Profile of Keeth Smart - American Sabreur from USA Today

162. Web.mit.edu/fencing/www/

网站简介:Roster and schedule for this Cambridge, Massachusetts college team.

163. Home.earthlink.net/~durendalfc/

网站简介:Location, hours, costs, class schedule, links to local resources, and contacts for this Madison club.

164. People.ccmr.cornell.edu/~sachse/cu_fencing.html

网站简介:Team profiles, schedule and competition results for this team in Ithaca, New York.

165. Studentgroups.ucla.edu/fencing/

网站简介:Practice times, competition schedule and results, and contacts for this club operating out of the University of California Los Angeles.

166. Theatlantic.com/past/docs/issues/2000/08/hull.htm

网站简介:Atlantic Monthly profile of the Peter Westbrook and his foundation which trains underprivileged youth in New York City.

167. Columbia.edu/cu/pafc/

网站简介:Competition, officer and member country listings.

168. Https://win.wisc.edu/organization/fencing

网站简介:Practice times, location, contacts, calendar and a short fencing FAQ.

169. Howstuffworks.com/fencing-equipment.htm

网站简介:Introduction to how fencing equipment operates, including the use of protective clothing and electronic scoring systems.

170. D.umn.edu/~bloun011/fencing.html

网站简介:Teaches primarily Foil. Profile, classes and equipment.

171. Cs.unc.edu/~hudson/saviolo/

网站简介:A 1594 fencing manual by Vincentio Saviolo.

172. Andrew.cmu.edu/user/fencing/

网站简介:Includes an FAQ, pictures, upcoming events, and a history of the team.

173. Fencing.tamu.edufencing.tamu.edu

网站简介:Schedule, roster and results.

174. Blogs.bu.edu/bufence/

网站简介:Schedule, results, members, alumni, pictures and links.

175. Fencing.org.vt.edufencing.org.vt.edu

网站简介:News, club officer listing, events and member profiles for this student-run club open to all.