
26. 12stepradio.com12stepradio.com

网站简介:An internet broadcast of music and talk related to the Twelve Step recovery message. Of interest to AA, CA, NA, Al-Anon, and other fellowships. [Requires Windows Media Player]

27. Siawso.orgsiawso.org

网站简介:Resource for helping those abused by incest.

28. Dancinginthedarkness.comdancinginthedarkness.com

网站简介:Help and support for survivors of rape and sexual abuse. A safe place to share stories, hope and courage.

29. Eatingdisordersanonymous.orgeatingdisordersanonymous.org

网站简介:Twelve step fellowship which holds meetings in several US states and online to help people to recover from eating disorders. Discussion board, meeting schedules, download EDA Step Workbook (MS Word), link collection, and online publications.

30. Safersociety.orgsafersociety.org

网站简介:A nonprofit agency research, advocacy, and referral center on the prevention and treatment of sexual abuse.

31. Yesican.orgyesican.org

网站简介:Twenty four hour chat groups related to child abuse, incest, domestic violence and parenting.

32. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve-step_program

网站简介:Encyclopedia article on the characteristics of 12-step-programs, history, the relationship to religion. With list of specific twelve-step groups.

33. Spenders.orgspenders.org

网站简介:Official web site for 12-Step fellowship on addictive spending.

34. Isurvive.orgisurvive.org

网站简介:A non-profit online community center for abuse survivors providing anonymous discussions boards, chat rooms and other resources.

35. Hopeforhealing.orghopeforhealing.org

网站简介:Works to educate and give Christian support to survivors of sexual and domestic violence and their family and friends. Mailing list and chat.

36. Coda-uk.orgcoda-uk.org

网站简介:A set of informal self-help groups made up of men and women with a common interest in working through the problems that co-dependency has caused in their lives.

37. Jimhopper.com/male-ab

网站简介:Jim Hopper, Ph.D., provides a discussion and review of statistics on the sexual abuse of male children, and a list of Web resources for males sexually abused in childhood.

38. Survivorschat.comsurvivorschat.com

网站简介:A support site, chat rooms, and resources for survivors of rape, incest, sexual abuse, or SRA.

39. Cdrs.cacdrs.ca

网站简介:To assist and nurture the growth of Co-Dependents Anonymous in Canada and to promote the healing and growth of codependents.

40. Xris.com/survivor/

网站简介:Offers resources to male survivors of sexual assault, most of which are also applicable to male victims of chronic or severe sexual harassment.

41. Angelfire.com/space2/give_survivors/

网站简介:A site dedicated to victims/survivors of sexual abuse and incest.

42. Whitedovesnest.comwhitedovesnest.com

网站简介:A site dedicated to sexual abuse survivors and their supporters. Share your story, poetry, art, and tips on recovery.

43. Silcom.com/~joy2meu/

网站简介:Counselor and spiritual teacher's pages on emotional and inner child healing, spirituality, and personal empowerment. Recovery from the disease of Codependence involves stopping the war within us.

44. Nemasys.com/ghostwolf/index.shtml

网站简介:The biography, art, poetry and writings of GhostWolf, an incest survivor.

45. Clinicalsocialwork.comclinicalsocialwork.com

网站简介:Focuses on treatment for survivors of trauma and abuse, but links to many general practice resources. Created by direct practice clinician, Pat McClendon.

46. Survivorsartfoundation.orgsurvivorsartfoundation.org

网站简介:A non-profit organization committed to helping trauma survivors with artistic outlets through internet art and outreach programs, national exhibitions, publications and development of employment skills. Includes mission statement, board of directors, staff, programs available, FAQ and contact numbers.

47. Vansondesign.com/RecoveryCanada/SexualAbuse/Forums/

网站简介:Password-protected forums to exchange messages of support and encouragement.

48. Amsosa.comamsosa.com

网站简介:Supporting adult male survivors of child sexual abuse and adult sexual assaults.

49. Tamarsvoice.orgtamarsvoice.org

网站简介:This non-profit organization offers help and support for victims of sexual abuse by clergy.

50. Stillrising.tripod.comstillrising.tripod.com

网站简介:Links to articles, websites, and chats covering the many aspects of abuse and its aftereffects.