网站简介:A movement for victims of incest and child sexual abuse. Offers a recovery program for children and adults.
网站简介:Information and materials for former foster children to form and conduct their own meetings.
网站简介:This group offers support for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. You will be asked to complete a brief pre-screening.
网站简介:A Yahoo! group for membership to pagans, witches, and wiccan wanderers who are survivors of sexual assault or are friends and family members of pagan survivors of sexual assault.
网站简介:A mailing list at Yahoo dedicated to a pro-survivor position.
网站简介:12 Step Free is a discussion list for those who have left the AA groups or are seriously questioning the 12-step doctrine. Perhaps our most important function is to provide a place where many can dare be critical and not be accused by a "unanimous majority" of groupers of suffering from a "defect of character" for doing so.
网站简介:All CoDependents are welcome regardless of recovery stage. This is a non religious, non gender biased, peer support group.
网站简介:A survivor shares her story of sexual abuse.
网站简介:Information, links, and supports in the areas of sexual abuse, MPD/DID, substance abuse and Klippel-Feil syndrome.
网站简介:For people who suffered abuse at the hands of a parent, spouse, sibling, stranger or whoever to find someone who understands them and heal.
网站简介:A resource for women survivors of sexual abuse and incest.
网站简介:Abuse Poetry And Resources.
网站简介:A mother's experience at dealing with her five year old son's disclosure of sexual abuse.
网站简介:Jenny shares her story and poetry and offers support to fellow survivors.
网站简介:Offers links to different sites for abuse survivors seeking support and self help.
网站简介:A personal experience of emotional, mental and sexual abuse.
网站简介:Focuses on addicts in prison and the issue of offering treatment instead of harsher sentences for drug related crimes.
网站简介:Survivor's story, message board, poetry and links to other resources.
网站简介:A safe and secure site for survivors and victims of sexual abuse regardless of age or gender.
网站简介:NHL star Sheldon Kennedy came forward in 1997 with a survivor's tale of sexual abuse at the hands of his junior hockey coach.
网站简介:Healing Wounds is a safe haven dedicated to survivors, a forum to talk about their trauma's and to heal.
网站简介:This forum is for survivors to come to together in an environment where they can express their pain, as well as their journey towards recovery with other survivors.
网站简介:Personal stories, daily readings, poetry, and online meetings.
网站简介:Self-help group for women survivors of incest providing online information and support via website, message board and email.
网站简介:This site offers a source of support for survivors, church leaders and survivor advocates struggling with clergy sexual abuse, domestic violence and incest.