
101. Bodley.ox.ac.uk/icsu/

网站简介:Proceedings of the workshop organized by the International Council for Science and held at Keble College, Oxford in march-april 1998.

102. Csa.comcsa.com

网站简介:Providing print and electronic research databases of citations and full text in the sciences. Title list of databases, journals by subject, login scripts for web masters, subscriber and guest demonstration access to CSA databases, and other product information.

103. Adsabs.harvard.edu/article_service.html

网站简介:Includes the full text of 31 major astronomy and astrophysics journals.

104. Ruf.rice.edu/~rur/

网站简介:International undergraduate journal dedicated solely to publishing high-quality natural sciences review articles by undergraduate student-authors for their peers. Submissions are welcome from any undergraduate around the world.

105. Enews.lbl.govenews.lbl.gov

网站简介:Online science news magazine with articles about the latest scientific breakthroughs at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Scientific news for those who want to know about research developments but don't speak the language of science.

106. Opcit.eprints.orgopcit.eprints.org

网站简介:OpCit. Project funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee, whose aim is to develop a citation-linking system to navigate through Open Archives.

107. Learningmeasure.tvlearningmeasure.tv

网站简介:Series of lectures on science and engineering topics.

108. Worldses.org/books/

网站简介:Textbooks, monographs and conference proceedings on a variety of topics published by the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society.

109. Thomsonreuters.com/products_services/science/

网站简介:Maintains a large collection of bibliographic and indexing data for scientific literature. Includes a pharma knowledge hub, publishes and analyses scholarly research and offers intellectual property solutions.

110. Dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/7912

网站简介:Searchable collection of selected MIT master's and doctoral theses available online.

111. Link.springer.com/journal/11024

网站简介:A Review of Science, Learning and Policy. Tables of contents. Full text to subscribers.

112. Home.earthlink.net/~adnil301/wsnjour.html

网站简介:A compilation of links to free full-text access electronic journals by Linda Kosmin Langford.

113. Sciencereview.berkeley.edusciencereview.berkeley.edu

网站简介:UC Berkeley's forum for graduate student research, news and policy, history of science, and reviews of current trends.

114. Ocf.berkeley.edu/~bsj/

网站简介:A publication of undergraduate research by students of the University of California, Berkeley. Selected articles available on-line.

115. Oaister.umdl.umich.edu/o/oaister/

网站简介:Gives access to a large number of eprints archives and electronic resources and through the OAI harvesting protocol reveals digital resources previously "hidden" from users behind web scripts.

116. Columbia.edu/cu/csr/

网站简介:Publication of Columbia University by students addressing contemporary scientific and academic research.

117. Dlist.sir.arizona.edudlist.sir.arizona.edu

网站简介:Developed by the School of Information Resources and Library Science and the Arizona Health Sciences Library at the University of Arizona using Open Archives Initiative (OAI) compliant Eprints v.2 software.

118. Archives.cs.iastate.eduarchives.cs.iastate.edu

网站简介:Digital repository of full-text technical reports downloadable in multiple formats.

119. Sciencenow.sciencemag.orgsciencenow.sciencemag.org

网站简介:AAAS web magazine. Some free sample stories, subscription required for full text.

120. Sciencenow.sciencemag.org/rss/current.xml

网站简介:Daily headlines from Science Magazine's news department.

121. Homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~sistawww/cgi-bin/pub.pl

网站简介:Publication database with search engine from the Katholieke university, Netherlands. Includes books, papers, reports and theses on different scientific topics.

122. Forum.ra.utk.eduforum.ra.utk.edu

网站简介:A quarterly policy journal that focuses on energy, the environment, economic development, and science and technology issues. It aims to make the work of policy researchers more accessible to officials in the public and private sectors.

123. Cle.unicamp.br/e-prints/

网站简介:Preprints by members and visiting researchers of the CLE, a research institute at the University of Campinas, Brazil.

124. Uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/

网站简介:Free, openly accessible, peer–reviewed journal devoted to the Internet.

125. Caltechcstr.library.caltech.educaltechcstr.library.caltech.edu

网站简介:Electronic archive of freely downloadable full-text technical reports in PDF format.