网站简介:Archive of freely downloadable technical reports from several labs in the domain of earth sciences at CalTech.
网站简介:Eprint repository of academic papers in the field of library and information science.
网站简介:(CAV 2001) Proceedings of the symposium, downloadable from this electronic repository hosted by the Caltech Library System.
网站简介:Caltech proposal for university-author-society run e-journal system for publishing science. With follow-up discussion.
网站简介:Propose, par le biais de recherches bibliographiques simples et avancées, des archives ouvertes dans le domaine de la physique des particules.
网站简介:RSS feed for this multidisciplinary journal's current issue.
网站简介:Requires subscription.
网站简介:One of the first peer-reviewed scientific journals. Continuously online and open-access since 1990. Sponsored by the American Psychological Association. Also provides open peer commentary on accepted, peer-reviewed target articles.
网站简介:Proceedings of the first conference held in Paris and organized by the International Council for Science and UNESCO.
网站简介:Searchable database of science-related press releases from research institutions, universities, government agencies and corporations. Calendar, resources and links. From the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
网站简介:Searchable database of science-related press releases from research institutions, universities, government agencies and corporations. Calendar, resources and links. From the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
网站简介:Full-text working papers and research reports in PDF format.
网站简介:Complete text of the book written by members of the National Academy of Sciences, that profiles investigations by leading young scientists.
网站简介:A peer reviewed electronic journal focused on industrial geography.
网站简介:Highlights research and development activities in the areas of basic research. biology, energy, transportation, computational sciences, advanced materials, nanotechnology and neutron-based science and technology.
网站简介:Instructions for authors.
网站简介:English-language bibliographic information service providing access to scientific and technical literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers, computing, information technology, manufacturing and production engineering.
网站简介:(World Scientific) Journal for the study of complex systems in such diverse fields as biology, physics, engineering, economics, cognitive science and social sciences. Tables of contents.
网站简介:Published annually. Author and subscription information and tables of contents for all volumes. Archives also available.
网站简介:General information about the university, news and announcements, faculties, research.
网站简介:Three research journals and four collections of monographs in botany, Earth sciences, zoology, biodiversity management, human sciences and history of science. Some tables of contents, abstracts and recent papers are available on-line.
网站简介:Summary information beginning with vol.104 (2001), full text for selected issues or articles.
网站简介:A publication of experimental research conducted by the science students of Dawson College, Montreal, Canada. All past issues available online.
网站简介:Department of Energy full-text technical reports in physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental cleanup, energy technologies and others.
网站简介:Features book and soft reviews covering a variety of topics, such as mathematics, biochemistry, food science, polymers and mechanical engineering.