
101. Momento.netmomento.net

网站简介:Spanish and english business listings for northern California.

102. Dialcodesplus.comdialcodesplus.com

网站简介:Listing of international dialing codes and area codes with instructions.

103. Krillion.comkrillion.com

网站简介:Find stores and products near you, with our unbiased, nationwide local listings.

104. Africaphonebooks.comafricaphonebooks.com

网站简介:Local white and yellow page phone directories for several African countries.

105. Englishyellowpages.itenglishyellowpages.it

网站简介:A directory of English-speaking professionals, organizations and businesses in Italy.

106. Verizon.com/support/residential/areacodes/index.htm

网站简介:Find the major locations in a certain area code by entering the area code, or find the area codes that are used in a certain state by entering the state name.

107. Yelopage.comyelopage.com

网站简介:A directory of Minnesota businesses and services, arranged by category and zip code.

108. Bitboost.com/ref/international-address-formats/germany/plz-en.html

网站简介:Look up postal codes, the German equivalent of U.S. zip codes, for any German address.

109. Mesa.rrzn.uni-hannover.demesa.rrzn.uni-hannover.de

网站简介:For a given name it searches in parallel at (nearly) all available sources of email addresses on the Internet.

110. Myzipcodemap.commyzipcodemap.com

网站简介:Provides detailed map of all US zip codes, powered by google map.

111. Cell-phone-list.net/area-code-list.html

网站简介:Listing of North American area codes. Includes approximate number of cellular phone numbers.

112. Npanxxsource.comnpanxxsource.com

网站简介:Databases of active NPA NXX combinations, telephone area codes, exchanges, and central office prefixes within the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean.

113. Click411.comclick411.com

网站简介:White and yellow pages, Canadian and U.S. directories.

114. Https://www.comfi.com/abook/

网站简介:Lists international dialing codes, area codes, weather, world time and currency exchange rates. Also has a reverse phone number lookup tool.

115. Zipcodedownload.com/Lookup/

网站简介:Offers ZIP Code lookup, distance and radius search.

116. Virtuallrc.comvirtuallrc.com

网站简介:A search engine and academic directory for selected information and reference sites recommended by teachers, librarians, and library and educational consortia.

117. Findmemail.comfindmemail.com

网站简介:Search engine connecting old e-mail addresses to new ones. Invites registration of new e-mail addresses.

118. Charline.be/info/codepost/cpost.htm

网站简介:List of Postal Codes and its corresponding city.

119. Cedar.buffalo.edu/adserv.html

网站简介:Translates valid U.S. postal addresses to the proper format along with the ZIP+4 code.

120. Canadapost.ca/cpotools/apps/fpc/personal/findByAdvanced

网站简介:Find a Postal Code by street address, municipality and province.

121. Fullhyderabad.com/htdocs/yellow_pages/home.phtml

网站简介:Directory of businesses, professionals, corporates, institutions and services in the Hyderabad.

122. Acma.gov.au/Industry/Telco/Numbering/IPND/numbers-specified-for-use-numbering-i-acma

网站简介:Official listing of current area codes, future area codes, and prefixes for Australian phone numbers.

123. Hkt.com/eng/

网站简介:Offers residential and yellow pages for Hong Kong.

124. Malipages.com/en/

网站简介:Malian business directory.

125. Comreg.ie/licensing_and_services/area_code_maps.552.1040.html

网站简介:Provides fixed-line telephone area codes in the Republic of Ireland.