
126. Biz.freshaddress.combiz.freshaddress.com

网站简介:A free change of email address directory where you can search by name or old email address. Email appending, ECOA and list hygiene services available for businesses.

127. Infocompanies.com/eindex.php

网站简介:Romanian companies and opportunities directory.

128. Directories.ch/whitepages/

网站简介:Find the addresses and telephone numbers of all private subscribers. Provided by Swisscom Directories AG.

129. Directories.ch/theyellowpages/

网站简介:Search by name, business category, canton or locality to find the addresses and telephone numbers of businesses. Provided by Swisscom Directories AG.

130. Grcdi.nl/linkspo.htm

网站简介:Links and resources for postal code and international address and address format data.

131. Directmailquotes.com/postalregs/index.cfm

网站简介:Zip code directory lookup as well as postal rates, regulations, glossary of mailing terms.

132. Iptop.net/eng/code.html

网站简介:Contains world telephone codes and time zone information. Search by city, country or number.

133. Timedial.net/time-and-dial/

网站简介:Displays the current time, international dialing code, area codes and currency converter for almost anywhere. Includes instructions on country codes and international dialing code parts usage.

134. Nt.jcsm.comnt.jcsm.com

网站简介:Zip codes, cities, states, counties, area codes, and time zones. Do zip code proximity calculations. Includes area code change information.

135. Phonecodes.narod.ruphonecodes.narod.ru

网站简介:Includes all cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kirgizia, and Tadjikistan.

136. Nanpa.com/area_codes/index.html

网站简介:Find North American codes by a map, number, or location. Includes information on future planned area codes and a free downloadable area code database.

137. Yellowpages.com.myyellowpages.com.my

网站简介:Malaysia Yellow Pages (www.yellowpages.com.my) is the Malaysia Local Search Engine (powered by an International Brand Name), providing access to over 3,000 classified business headings including websites, addresses, phone numbers for your local search. Our Goal is to own the customers and provide a platform-agnostic solution set and demonstrate its performance.

138. 411web.com411web.com

网站简介:Your complete information source. Yellow pages, White pages, zip codes, area codes, and even search the web through their popular catagories.

139. Napayellowpages.comnapayellowpages.com

网站简介:Listing of Napa Valley businesses and links.

140. Apnidirectory.comapnidirectory.com

网站简介:Indo-Canadian directory serving the Okanagan region of British Columbia.

141. Askwp.comaskwp.com

网站简介:Business and residential directory with reverse phone number search and maps.

142. Brazilyellowpages.combrazilyellowpages.com

网站简介:Directory of companies and professionals organized by category. [English/Portuguese]

143. Referencepage.com/referencepage.html

网站简介:Links to directories of business information, phone numbers, government resources, maps, FAQs, dictionaries, and financial calculations.

144. Canadatollfree.ca/Search/

网站简介:Sympatico's online directory of toll free business phone numbers.

145. Kjlsoftware.comkjlsoftware.com

网站简介:Databases of US ZIP Code and Area Code information.

146. Mexicophonebooks.commexicophonebooks.com

网站简介:Offering every White Pages and Yellow Pages published in Mexico to libraries, business owners and genealogists.

147. Phonenumber.comphonenumber.com

网站简介:Phone numbers and addresses for people and businesses.

148. Referencedesk.orgreferencedesk.org

网站简介:A large categorized collection of reference links to over 600 different sites.

149. Shopperguide.netshopperguide.net

网站简介:United States yellow page directory. Drill down on a state to search by area.

150. Freemailguide.com/free_email_search_engines.html

网站简介:Guide to free email search engines and directories. Lists the features of each service.