
26. Learn.shayhowe.comlearn.shayhowe.com

网站简介:Learn how to build beautiful and intuitive websites. A Beginner and advanced guide, covering from HTML, CSS, JavaScript and related tech.

27. Developer.comdeveloper.com

网站简介:Provides link directory, technical articles, news, forum, and online books for Java, Linux, JavaScript, Perl, ActiveX, Visual Basic, HTML, DHMTL, XML, ColdFusion, C and C++.

28. Projecteuler.netprojecteuler.net

网站简介:A series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve.

29. Freetypinggame.netfreetypinggame.net

网站简介:Includes different games, lessons, and tests to learn typing online. Also has a scoreboard.

30. Lesscss.orglesscss.org

网站简介:Extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. Less runs on both the server-side (with Node.js and Rhino) or client-side (modern browsers only).

31. Https://webmaker.org/

网站简介:Tools, events and teaching guides that allow webmakers to create content and understand how the web works.

32. Emmet.ioemmet.io

网站简介:Plugin for many popular text editors which greatly improves HTML and CSS writing. Inspired by CSS selectors, shortcuts can expand to complete set of HTML tags.

33. Codecombat.comcodecombat.com

网站简介:Learn programming with a multiplayer live coding strategy game.

34. Classroomclipart.comclassroomclipart.com

网站简介:Includes a large 13,700 collection of photographs, clipart, and historical images designed for use for educational purposes.

35. Htmldog.com/guides/

网站简介:Basic web design tutorials. Basic and advanced tutorials.

36. Compass-style.orgcompass-style.org

网站简介:Open-source CSS Authoring Framework.

37. Https://www.browserling.com/

网站简介:Live interactive cross-browser testing. Allows to test websites in Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera.

38. Cssdrive.comcssdrive.com

网站简介:Gallery organized into categories, such as two column, three columns, and business. Includes code examples.

39. Css3.infocss3.info

网站简介:This site focusses on CSS3, and shows previews of CSS3 features implemented by different web browsers.

40. Javascriptsource.comjavascriptsource.com

网站简介:Tutorials and scripts.

41. Inventwithpython.cominventwithpython.com

网站简介:Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python is a free ebook programming tutorial for the Python programming language. Learn how to program by making fun games.

42. Pxtoem.compxtoem.com

网站简介:One-click PX/EM/%/PT conversion tables with a custom conversion calculator.

43. Disneyclips.comdisneyclips.com

网站简介:Offers free images of cartoon characters.

44. Comptechdoc.orgcomptechdoc.org

网站简介:A group of volunteers working to provide documentation for learning and reference for various technologies. Also this organization helps to make technical educational materials available to those who cannot afford it.

45. Sense-lang.org/typing/

网站简介:A flash-based guide that teaches touch typing with the choice of the English or Hebrew language. Includes an online and a downloadable version.

46. Codeavengers.comcodeavengers.com

网站简介:The fun and effective way to learn Javascript.

47. Webjam.comwebjam.com

网站简介:An online platform to create customisable, purpose-driven social networks with the flexibility to control what is shared with whom.

48. Alice.orgalice.org

网站简介:Object-oriented 3D programming environment, lets students learn fundamental programming concepts in context of creating animated movies and simple video games, uses pre-made classes one can add and manipulate. Carnegie Mellon University. Open source.

49. Typeonline.co.uktypeonline.co.uk

网站简介:Free online touch-typing course. Learn to type in five easy lessons.

50. Nodeschool.ionodeschool.io

网站简介:Choose-your-own-adventure style lessons to learn how to use node.js, npm and other related tools by writing code to solve realistic problems.