
51. Tobiasahlin.com/spinkit/

网站简介:Collection of simple loading spinners animated with CSS.

52. Bluej.orgbluej.org

网站简介:An integrated, interactive Java development environment, featuring class structure diagrams, interactive invocation and an easy-to-use interface. BlueJ was developed for teaching and learning Java. [Freeware]

53. Css3files.comcss3files.com

网站简介:Comprehensive overview of the latest CSS3 properties to look up and learn.

54. Tuxpaint.orgtuxpaint.org

网站简介:Open Source drawing program for young children. Product specifications, screenshots, documentation, and downloads.

55. Csslint.netcsslint.net

网站简介:Online CSS lint with options to choose which errors and warnings to test for.

56. Netsmartzkids.orgnetsmartzkids.org

网站简介:An interactive way of teaching young people how to recognize dangers and increase self-confidence whenever they go online. Includes games, puzzles, quizzes, and free downloads.

57. Greenfoot.orggreenfoot.org

网站简介:Software to learn Java programming creating simple games.

58. Coderdojo.comcoderdojo.com

网站简介:Open source, volunteer led, global movement of free coding clubs for young people. Wiki with articles, tutorials and community events.

59. Obsidiandawn.comobsidiandawn.com

网站简介:Offers a collection of unique Photoshop brushes and patterns.

60. Openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/index.html

网站简介:Use python language to explain mastering on problem solving.

61. Blackgirlscode.comblackgirlscode.com

网站简介:Empowering girls to become innovators in STEM fields, leaders in their communities, and builders of their own futures through exposure to computer science and technology.

62. Christianchat.comchristianchat.com

网站简介:Live fellowship for teens, singles, moms, homeschoolers, and the whole family.

63. Gameprogrammingpatterns.comgameprogrammingpatterns.com

网站简介:On strategies and problem solving, common mistakes and solutions for creating games.

64. Yaml.deyaml.de

网站简介:A modular CSS framework for flexible, accessible and responsive websites, focussed on device independent screen design and provides bullet-proof modules for flexible layouts.

65. Zoodles.comzoodles.com

网站简介:A fun, simple and free way for kids, ages 2 - 8, to safely access the Web.

66. Unsemantic.comunsemantic.com

网站简介:A fluid grid system that is the successor to the 960 Grid System. It works in a similar way, but instead of being a set number of columns, it's entirely based on percentages.

67. 20thingsilearned.com20thingsilearned.com

网站简介:Learn about the web and browsers in this interactive experience created by Google and illustrated by Christoph Niemann.

68. Htmldog.com/guides/javascript/

网站简介:Beginner, intermediate, and advanced tutorials.

69. Https://p2pu.org/

网站简介:A University for the Web. Built by an open community

70. Typing-lessons.orgtyping-lessons.org

网站简介:Free online typing course with 18 sequential lessons and interactive typing exercises.

71. Tympanus.net/Development/PageTransitions/

网站简介:A collection of page transitions with CSS animations. Has a selector to chose transition effects.s.

72. Inform7.cominform7.com

网站简介:A design system for interactive fiction based on natural language. Code that reads like English..

73. Zui.comzui.com

网站简介:Zui is a safe place for children to play games, view movie trailers and videos, listen to music and get sport highlights. They can also earn points.

74. Colourco.decolourco.de

网站简介:A tool to explore and find colours. Features controls for swatches in schemes, change of hue, lightness, saturation, export as .less or png.

75. Abcya.com/keyboard.htm

网站简介:Put all the keys back in their correct places after the keyboard fell apart.