
1. Weebly.comweebly.com

网站简介:WeebLy:免费自助建站服务平台是来自美国的一家免费自助建站服务商,在线所见即所得操作,可以很容易的创建属于你自己的网站。是一个最方便创建、上传网站的方式,并免费与全世界的人分享。设计平台是一个白色标签解决方案,可使设计人员能轻松地使用Weebly的内容管理系统为其客户建立网站 。

2. Developer.android.comdeveloper.android.com

网站简介:Official site provides the SDK, Developer's Guide, Reference, and Android Market for the open source project. Includes announcements, videos, blog and resources.

3. Sitepoint.comsitepoint.com

网站简介:A resource site for Webmasters, focusing on web site design, promotion, submission, positioning, marketing and profitability. Articles by noted Web professionals.

4. Fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/

网站简介:Set of icons, specially designed for websites and applications. Compatible with screen readers, vectors, icons scale to any size. Provides a handy CSS sheet with ready-for-use animations. Open source.

5. Codecademy.comcodecademy.com

网站简介:Interactive courses on how to program. Courses are created by community and cover CSS, Java, HTML.ML.

6. Css-tricks.comcss-tricks.com

网站简介:Contains articles, snippets, gallery, demos about web development using CSS.

7. Raspberrypi.orgraspberrypi.org

网站简介:Teach, Learn and Make with Raspberry Pi - the $35 credit card sized quad core computer

8. Scratch.mit.eduscratch.mit.edu

网站简介:Tile-based visual programming environment and toolkit, lets kids make games, animated stories, interactive art, and share with others on the Net. In the tradition of Logo, Lego/Logo, but using new computational ideas so it is easier to start programming. Built on Squeak.

9. Google.com/fonts

网站简介:Browse and preview the collection, with customizable options and ready to use CSS.

10. Fontsquirrel.comfontsquirrel.com

网站简介:Free, high quality, licensed for commercial use fonts.

11. Https://www.codeschool.com/

网站简介:Teaches web technologies via browser with video lessons, coding challenges, and screencasts.

12. Thestudentroom.co.ukthestudentroom.co.uk

网站简介:The Student Room is the UK’s largest and fastest growing student community and home to the world’s largest student forum. The site is intrinsically social and is uniquely academic and lifestyle based. Unlike other student sites that plummet in summer months, The Student Room maintains their dedicated followers throughout the year. Students return to the site time and time again due to its vibrant community, ability to get help with their studies, confidential help and support from their peers, resources to help decide what they should study, and to make new friends!

13. Htmlgoodies.comhtmlgoodies.com

网站简介:Features HTML and graphics tutorials with online samples. Forums, and newsletter.

14. Phonegap.comphonegap.com

网站简介:Easily create apps using web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

15. Caniuse.com/#cats=CSS

网站简介:Compatibility tables, browser comparatives, for JavaScript APIs.

16. Flamingtext.comflamingtext.com

网站简介:Create and find all kinds of quality graphics for web pages and other uses headings, buttons, arrows and other page elements, just like the pros.

17. Https://www.yola.com/

网站简介:Yola.com is a leading SaaS provider of website services focused on helping small and medium-sized businesses build and grow their online presence. Yola's flagship product is an award winning drag-and-drop Sitebuilder that makes it easy for users without any technical knowledge to build a professional website. A one-stop-shop for SMBs, Yola offers website hosting, domain name registration, ecommerce, mobile and Facebook publishing, search engine optimization tools, lead generation and social network integration.

18. Appinventor.mit.eduappinventor.mit.edu

网站简介:Design and program your own apps, step by steps guides.

19. Computer.howstuffworks.comcomputer.howstuffworks.com

网站简介:Complete, detailed, illustrated descriptions of the inner workings of the PC.

20. Sass-lang.comsass-lang.com

网站简介:An extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language. It allows to use variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more. It helps keep large stylesheets well-organized, and get small stylesheets up and running quickly, particularly with the help of the Compass style library.

21. Cssmatic.comcssmatic.com

网站简介:Generators for gradients, border radius, noise texture, box shadow.

22. Habbo.comhabbo.com

网站简介:Moderated, visual chat with custom character avatars. [Requires Flash]

23. Csswinner.comcsswinner.com

网站简介:Showcase of beautiful works.

24. Purecss.iopurecss.io

网站简介:A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project. Base, grids, forms, buttons, tables, and menus.

25. Learnlayout.comlearnlayout.com

网站简介:Teaches the CSS fundamentals that are used in any website's layout.