
101. Mirovideoconverter.commirovideoconverter.com

网站简介:Open source, cross-platform application to convert videos from and to various formats, including formats suitable for devices such as Android phones.

102. Mixonline.commixonline.com

网站简介:Magazine for professional audio and music production professionals.

103. Getmiro.comgetmiro.com

网站简介:A free, open source Internet TV and video player that can automatically download videos from RSS-based channels. Features a built-in BitTorrent client. For Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.

104. Https://www.leadtools.com/

网站简介:Offers imaging development toolkits supporting color, grayscale, multimedia, vector, document, and medical imaging for a wide range of programming applications.

105. Blitzagency.comblitzagency.com

网站简介:BLITZ is an independent digital agency that specializes in interactive branded experiences, rich internet applications and user interfaces.

106. Pouet.netpouet.net

网站简介:Multi-platform database of news, groups and productions. Register here and get your own avatar and the chance to appear in a chart table which rewards uploading and commenting others' work. Nice, cute design.

107. Bytescout.combytescout.com

网站简介:offers SWF Scout, an ActiveX library for SWF generation from Visual Basic, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C

108. Flashdevelop.orgflashdevelop.org

网站简介:Powerful open source code editor. Features syntax highlighting, bookmarks, tasks handling, snippet completion, open plug-in based architecture and debugging tools.

109. Algoriddim.comalgoriddim.com

网站简介:Music player and DJ software with iTunes integration, recording, real-time collaborative mixing and support for multi-touch trackpads.

110. Voxengo.comvoxengo.com

网站简介:Voxengo offers high quality professional audio software: VST and AudioUnit plug-ins and sample rate converters, for both Windows PC and Mac OS X computers.

111. Imtoo.comimtoo.com

网站简介:ImTOO Software Studio - A professional video and audio software R&D organization.

112. Actionscript.orgactionscript.org

网站简介:Adobe Flash, ActionScript and Flex Resources and Tutorials as well as a large online community for developers and designers who use these technologies, at all skill levels. Offers tutorials, articles, job and freelancer network, open source, scripting assistance, product reviews, scene news and a means of contact between developers.

113. Lilypond.orglilypond.org

网站简介:Creates beautiful music notation from text input. Outputs PDF, Postscript, SVG or MIDI files. GNU license.

114. Fabfilter.comfabfilter.com

网站简介:Develops FabFilter One, a monophonic lead synthesizer in VST and AudioUnit format. Audio samples, downloadable demo.

115. Tracktion.comtracktion.com

网站简介:[Mac - Win] Audio and Midi recording and editing software. Main features, screenshots, reviews, documentation and support area.

116. Videoguys.comvideoguys.com

网站简介:Online ordering of computer based video editing gear for everyone from beginner to professional. All offered equipment is reviewed.

117. Cartoonsmart.comcartoonsmart.com

网站简介:Free Flash files and tutorials. Lesson covers animation, drawing cartoons, creating cool buttons, and text design. Free files posted weekly.

118. Xmms.orgxmms.org

网站简介:X Multimedia System, an open-source MP3 player for Linux. Contains mostly the same features as Winamp and supports skins.

119. Adobe.com/products/flash/

网站简介:Official product area with information on features, FAQ, system requirements, and links to Flash related information.

120. Hi-res.nethi-res.net

网站简介:Advanced Flash design company. Based in London, UK.

121. Ilyaefimov.comilyaefimov.com

网站简介:Realistic Sample Libraries creation for audio production.

122. Realnetworks.comrealnetworks.com

网站简介:Downloads, documentation, support, articles, for the popular range of internet media products.

123. Cendyn.comcendyn.com

网站简介:Provides multimedia authoring, shockwave, website design and animation services for all industries.

124. Seventhstring.comseventhstring.com

网站简介:Producers of Transcribe!, software to aid the transcription of music from audio form. Includes features to slow down the music without changing the pitch and a spectrum analysis feature to help work out hard-to-hear chords. Site includes details of features, screenshots, reviews and an evaluation version to download. [Windows, Mac, Linux]

125. Smartmusic.comsmartmusic.com

网站简介:[Win - Mac] Catalogue of accompaniments, subscriptions and community functions. For woodwinds, brass, and vocalists.