
126. Videoforums.co.ukvideoforums.co.uk

网站简介:A resource for the amateur videographer, including hardware and software support and DV camera reviews.

127. Avid.com/US/products/family/pro-tools

网站简介:Software and hardware based system for audio and MIDI recording. Products catalog and description, support and download area, news.

128. Hitsquad.comhitsquad.com

网站简介:Many free music software downloads. Many guitar links plus tab, online discussion forums.

129. Fxpansion.comfxpansion.com

网站简介:Creators of BFD drum library module, DR-008 drum sampler, as well as VST to RTAS, VST to Rewire, and VST to AU plug-in adaptors.

130. Adobe.com/products/premiere-elements.html

网站简介:Video editing software in a simpler and easier to use format as compared to Premiere Pro.

131. Delvenetworks.comdelvenetworks.com

网站简介:Online platform for publishing and managing video content. Includes blog.

132. Allwinampskins.comallwinampskins.com

网站简介:An alphabetically categorized collection of free Winamp skins. Each skin comes with a large screenshot and a detailed description.

133. Creative-jar.comcreative-jar.com

网站简介:Buckinghamshire, UK based company offering design solutions for online and offline ventures. Specializing in branding, CD-ROM, multimedia, and animation.

134. Quasimondo.comquasimondo.com

网站简介:Mario Klingemann's personal weblog about Macromedia Flash programming, featuring mathematical and physical experiments and inspirational material. Note: must install latest version of Macromedia to view the site.

135. Adobe.com/devnet/flex/

网站简介:Containing resources for developers. Samples, downloads, cookbook and guides.

136. Blazemp.comblazemp.com

网站简介:All-in-one audio/video multimedia application. Includes player, converter, editor, effects processor, recorder, audio/data CD/DVD burner, media management, and full screen video support.

137. Garritan.comgarritan.com

网站简介:Developing instruments based on Kontakt software technology. Audio samples, features description, news and purchasing information.

138. Smartechindia.comsmartechindia.com

网站简介:Specialises in multimedia presentations, corporate films, electronic corporate brochures, website designing, portals, e-commerce solutions and database applications.

139. Earmaster.comearmaster.com

网站简介:[Win,Mac] Interactive software suite for ear training and practical music theory at home or at the music school.

140. Emediamusic.comemediamusic.com

网站简介:Guitar method series of instructional software, site also has java chord dictionary with audio playback.

141. Mainconcept.commainconcept.com

网站简介:Video editing, compositing, animation and codecs. MJPEG and DV Codec for Windows, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoders. Demo versions for download, online purchase and user forums.

142. Myriad-online.commyriad-online.com

网站简介:[Mac-Win] Harmony Assistant, Melody Assistant, Virtual Singer voice synthesis, and OMeR music OCR.CR.

143. Sigmadesigns.comsigmadesigns.com

网站简介:Provides semiconductors and software including MPEG-4 decoder for set-top boxes, DVD players, and streaming media devices.

144. Midi.orgmidi.org

网站简介:Develops Musical Instrument Digital Interface standards. MIDI is a very commonly used format.

145. Swftools.orgswftools.org

网站简介:A collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities released under the GPL. Cross-platform.

146. Applied-acoustics.comapplied-acoustics.com

网站简介:Develops Tassman and Lounge Lizard, virtual instruments based on physical modeling.

147. Questionwriter.comquestionwriter.com

网站简介:Question Writer is a rapid e-learning development tool designed to create professional tests and assessments in Macromedia Flash SWF format.

148. Tabledit.comtabledit.com

网站简介:A program for creating, editing, printing and listening to tablature and sheet music. Multiple tracks, 3-12 strings, MIDI playback.

149. Un4seen.comun4seen.com

网站简介:Windows music player supporting MP3 and many tracker formats.

150. Deconcept.comdeconcept.com

网站简介:Showing concepts in interaction design, and experiments. Includes FLA files for download.