
76. Webmproject.orgwebmproject.org

网站简介:Free and open video format designed to provide royalty-free high-quality video compression for use with HTML5 video. Sponsored by Google.

77. Lame.sourceforge.netlame.sourceforge.net

网站简介:Educational tool to be used for learning about MP3 encoding. LAME aims to be the basis of a patent free audio compression codec.

78. Exactaudiocopy.deexactaudiocopy.de

网站简介:Freeware program used to copy audio data from an audio CD to a stereo WAV file. Corrects jitters and other errors, and has many other features.

79. Motu.commotu.com

网站简介:Developing software and hardware products for the Macintosh and PC. Products description, support and download area.

80. Icecast.orgicecast.org

网站简介:Open source broadcast system based on the MP3 streaming audio format. Information on downloading the server application and participating in its development, as well as a directory of current icecast broadcasts.

81. Https://lmms.io/

网站简介:Open source sequencer for Linux.

82. Goldwave.comgoldwave.com

网站简介:Digital audio editing software with advanced audio restoration effects and processing tools. Converts audio files such as iTunes to MP3. Free trial download available.

83. Mixedinkey.commixedinkey.com

网站简介:Software to utilize a technique called "harmonic mixing." Knowing the key, DJs can use music theory to play smooth DJ sets and create flawless mash-ups. The software is available for both Windows and Mac OS X.

84. Logicprohelp.comlogicprohelp.com

网站简介:A discussion forum offering tips, news, and ideas sections.

85. Ferryhalim.comferryhalim.com

网站简介:Web designer specializing in creative web design, and sophisticated interactivity.

86. Spectrasonics.netspectrasonics.net

网站简介:Company that develops sample libraries and virtual instruments. Product information, downloadable demos, and creative tips.

87. Miracletutorials.commiracletutorials.com

网站简介:Video tutorials and articles on podcasting, video casting and video channels for business starters and everyone interested in creating their own video channel.

88. Subsonic.orgsubsonic.org

网站简介:Open-source web-based media streamer and jukebox. Supports MP3, OGG, AAC and other streamable audio and video formats. Runs on Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac.

89. Avidemux.sourceforge.netavidemux.sourceforge.net

网站简介:A free multi-format, cross-platform video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. Available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

90. Smartsound.comsmartsound.com

网站简介:Royalty Free Music and Sound Effects and award-winning Sonicfire Pro software for Windows and Mac.ac.

91. Voipcallrecording.comvoipcallrecording.com

网站简介:Freeware tool for recording Skype conversations

92. Doubletwist.comdoubletwist.com

网站简介:Windows software to synchronise and convert media files between different portable devices, including the facility to move iTunes files to other mp3 players. Free download, documentation, and FAQs.

93. Moviecodec.commoviecodec.com

网站简介:Links to video codecs, discussion board, frequently asked questions on viewing movie files.

94. Mpesch3.de1.ccmpesch3.de1.cc

网站简介:Small and fast directory player using Winamp input plugins with cue sheet and playlist support, from the same author as the editor mp3DirectCut.

95. Pgmusic.compgmusic.com

网站简介:Makers of Band-in-a-Box, PowerTracks, Modern Jazz Pianist, Latin Pianist, others for Mac and IBM.M.

96. Sumanasinc.comsumanasinc.com

网站简介:Offer multimedia development services, specializing in the college science market.

97. Resolume.comresolume.com

网站简介:Allows mixing of digital video and effects in a realtime, improvisational environment. Trigger video clips, Flash files, and pictures.

98. Swishzone.comswishzone.com

网站简介:Tools for Flash animation creation, Flash templates, photo albums, video conversion. Site also includes community resources, tutorials, and blog.

99. Image-line.com/flstudio/

网站简介:Fully featured sequencer with MIDI, VST/VSTi and DXi support. Can be used inside other sequencers as a VSTi itself.

100. Soundspectrum.comsoundspectrum.com

网站简介:Music visualization and screen saver software in the form of media player plug-ins and standalone products. G-Force, WhiteCap, SoftSkies. Free trial/demo versions available.