
151. Pom1.sourceforge.netpom1.sourceforge.net

网站简介:An open source Apple 1 emulator for Windows.

152. Sourceforge.net/projects/qeasy/

网站简介:A Mac OS X front-end to the QEMU CPU Emulator.

153. Riscose.sourceforge.netriscose.sourceforge.net

网站简介:A RISC OS emulator that runs under UNIX.

154. Pcemu.sourceforge.netpcemu.sourceforge.net

网站简介:Emulate a basic PC with a VGA text-only display.

155. Sourceforge.net/projects/basilisk/

网站简介:Basilisk II project page. Includes source code downloads, support requests and feature requests..

156. Sourceforge.net/projects/st20emu/

网站简介:A freeware ST20 emulator for DOS.

157. Stonx.sourceforge.netstonx.sourceforge.net

网站简介:An open source emulator for Unix/X.

158. Sourceforge.net/projects/winex

网站简介:TransGaming is developing improvements to the Wine project to achieve full Linux compatibility for games developed using the Microsoft DirectX APIs.

159. Sourceforge.net/projects/virtualt/

网站简介:An open source TRS-80 Model 100/102/200 emulator for Linux, MacOS X, and Windows.

160. Vmips.sourceforge.netvmips.sourceforge.net

网站简介:An open source MIPS R3000 emulator for Unix.

161. Sourceforge.net/projects/fellow/

网站简介:An open source emulator for Windows.

162. Sourceforge.net/projects/winston/

网站简介:Source code of a not anymore available windows emulator.

163. Xfellow.sourceforge.net/abt.html

网站简介:An abandoned Linux port of the Fellow Amiga emulator.

164. Sourceforge.net/projects/zxspectr/

网站简介:An open source 16K/48K/128K/+2/+2A/Inves Spectrum + emulator for DOS.

165. Homepage3.nifty.com/bugbug/cpm/

网站简介:An open source CP/M-80 ver2.2 emulator for MacOS.

166. People.redhat.com/mstefani/wine/smatch/

网站简介:Smatch is a C source checker like the Stanford checker but it's freely available. This project is trying to make smatch useful for Wine.

167. Zxmak2.codeplex.comzxmak2.codeplex.com

网站简介:Open source emulator for Windows.

168. Members.ziggo.nl/fgkaal/Software/sw_ti994w.html#ti994w

网站简介:Freeware emulator for Windows.

169. Oreilly.com/windows/archive/PearPC.html

网站简介:An article describing PearPC for Windows and demonstrating how to set it up.

170. Cs.ucr.edu/~jbyrne/vmware.htm

网站简介:Describes the necessary steps to get VMware running on a PC running Slackware Linux.

171. Wotho4.ethz.chwotho4.ethz.ch

网站简介:An update to Volker Bandke's Tur(n)key 3 (TK3) System by Jürgen Winkelmann - OS/VS2 MVS 3.8j Service Level 8505 - Tur(n)key Level 4- Version 1.00, update 07 - Explains how to access the publicly available online demo system as well as a link to the downloadable distribution packages. Original release date: November 2013. Update 07 released: February 19, 2015.

172. Wotho.ethz.ch/mvt4apl-2.00/

网站简介:OS/360-MVT 21.8F customized for use with APL\360 Version 1 Modification Level 1 by Jürgen Winkelmann - IBM APL\360 source code is also needed and can be downloaded from http://www.computerhistory.org/atchm/the-apl-programming-language-source-code/

173. Ugr.es/~pedrom/

网站简介:A Spanish Spectrum emulator for 48K and 128K. Runs under DOS.

174. Dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~edsac/

网站简介:A freeware emulator for Windows and 68K Macintosh.

175. Forums.delphiforums.com/basilisk2/

网站简介:Discussion forum regarding use of Basilisk II in Windows.