网站简介:Features NoSTalgia an emulator for MacOS X (older version for CarbonLib and MacOS 9 available) and PowerST a suspended emulator for MacOS 8/9.
网站简介:A dynamic binary translator that runs programs on architectures they were not compiled for. It does this by dynamically translating the machine code of the programs to be run to machine code for the native architecture. Documentation, screenshots, downloads.
网站简介:A setup guide for the OS X port of SheepShaver.
网站简介:HP announced plans to fully support the Windows, NetWare and Linux operating systems running on top of VMWare's virtual machine software as part of an extension of its partnership with the maker of virtual machine software for Intel systems.
网站简介:ABC80 emulators for MS-DOS and Windows 95.
网站简介:Freeware emulator for Windows.
网站简介:With more enterprises looking for solutions that enable them to consolidate applications and infrastructure services running on diverse operating systems, VMware Inc. has released VMware ESX Server 1.5.
网站简介:Merrill Lynch and Co., a leading Wall Street brokerage and financial management company in New York, is deploying "virtual machine" software from VMware Inc. throughout its production environments and on more than 27,000 desktops.
网站简介:IBM Corp. and VMware Inc. announced a partnership Tuesday to work on improving partitioning software for high end Intel-based servers.
网站简介:Running 32-bit x86 Applications on Windows NT Alpha. A paper from the Usenix Windows NT Workshop.p.
网站简介:Article describing a port of Basilisk II to the Sony PlayStation Portable. Includes download links and setup guides.
网站简介:Shareware front end for PC99. Allows you to easily change modules and disks.
网站简介:An open source alternative to VMWare.
网站简介:Emulators and games for download.
网站简介:Freeware emulator for Windows.
网站简介:An open source Oric-1, Oric Atmos, and Telestrat emulator for Unix/X based on Fabrice Francès' Oric emulator.
网站简介:A freeware 48K/128K/+2 emulator for the Amiga.
网站简介:Freeware emulator for DOS.
网站简介:Ludovic Deplanque, author of two Amstrad CPC emulators, AMI-CPC for Amiga, and PC-CPC for DOS.
网站简介:FAQ of comp.emulators.misc
网站简介:A list of questions and answers for the project. It contains both general and technical information: project status, what it is and what it does and how to obtain and configure and run it.
网站简介:Features the largest Amiga Emulation search on the web.
网站简介:A review of the Workstation line of the VMware software.
网站简介:Freeware emulator for DOS.
网站简介:A freeware 48, 128, +2, +2A, +3, Pentagon, and Scorpion emulator for DOS. Also available is an older open source Unix port.