网站简介:Mac-hosted emulator of the Apple ][, ][+, and //e. Rationale, screenshots and downloads.
网站简介:Windows utility for managing ShrinkIt archives and Apple II disk images.
网站简介:An open source Bell Labs cardiac emulator for Linux and Windows/Cygwin.
网站简介:A common application framework for computer hardware emulation. It is flexible enough to emulate any hardware produced to date. CEF is used to create computer emulators.
网站简介:Features Dapple and NDapple, two open source ][, ][+, and 64K //e emulators for DOS, and Dapple2 an open source 128K //e emulator for DOS.
网站简介:An emulator of the Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS) for Linux/X11. Enables Linux to run many DOS programs - including some DPMI applications.
网站简介:An open source 8051 emulator for Linux and Windows.
网站简介:Open source Enterprise 128 emulator for Linux and Windows.
网站简介:Open source emulator for Linux and Windows.
网站简介:A freely available 31-bit C mainframe standalone compiler designed to run on MVS (z/OS back to at least MVS 3.8j), CMS (z/VM and predecessors) and VSE (z/VSE back to DOS/VS R34). Software, documentation and links to related software is available. Site maintained by Paul Edwards.
网站简介:The GNUton project is a re-implementation of the (defunct) Apple Newton platform. It consists of the virtual machine, storage architecture and templates for GUI and general OS features. It aims to support execution of existing pure NewtonScript packages.
网站简介:Open source emulator for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
网站简介:Hercules Mainframe Emulator - Mirror of the former official site, and source archive - Contains v3.07 binaries and source archives, v3.07 and prior. Maintained by Jan Jaeger.
网站简介:A presentation at SHARE 112, 5 March 2009, Austin, Texas, by Jay Maynard of Savail Consulting, Inc. Explores the addition of 31-bit architecture into MVS 3.8j.
网站简介:Open source emulator for Windows.
网站简介:A pure Java emulation of an x86 PC with fully virtual peripherals, licensed under the GNU GPL. Describes the implementation and shows some screenshots as well as online-versions of the emulator running FreeDOS and GNU/Linux.
网站简介:An open source emulator of the KC85 homecomputer series for Linux and Windows.
网站简介:Open source emulator for Linux.
网站简介:An unofficial port of UAE to MacOS X.
网站简介:Describes how to use VMware to create honeypots to capture system-intruders.
网站简介:The family of freely-available 31-bit mainframe operating systems which currently includes MVS/380, VM/380 and VSE/380. Software, documentation and links to related software is available. Site maintained by Paul Edwards.
网站简介:An open source emulator for Windows using the .NET Framework.
网站简介:An Apple II emulator in development for the Palm OS.
网站简介:Simulates a x86 processor and can be used to run Linux as a guest. It also can be used to accelerate bochs by executing user code inside the plex86 VM, while letting bochs execute kernel code and IO functionality inside the emulator.
网站简介:An open source emulator for Linux, MacOS, and Windows.