
26. The-coop.orgthe-coop.org

网站简介:Resource on raising, breeding, and showing poultry. Links, original articles, photos, an international directory of poultry people and clubs on the internet, and a discussion forum.

27. Poultrykeeperforum.compoultrykeeperforum.com

网站简介:Forum run by a small group of enthusiasts / volunteers covering the keeping of chickens, ducks, geese, and other poultry.

28. Self-sufficient-farm-living.comself-sufficient-farm-living.com

网站简介:This site is about: Producing your own food, building your own homestead and maintaining a frugal life style.

29. Rurallivingtoday.comrurallivingtoday.com

网站简介:Information, checklists, skill training, property development help, and more for your rural life.e.

30. Backyardchickens.yuku.combackyardchickens.yuku.com

网站简介:A forum for poultry keepers of all ages.

31. Lifeunplugged.netlifeunplugged.net

网站简介:Hosts a variety of articles regarding green building technology, alternative energy solutions, farm and garden articles, and general stories of interest related to sustainable living.

32. Thefarmbarbie.comthefarmbarbie.com

网站简介:Step-by-step instructions on country living. It may be messy, but we're doing some old fashioned homesteading in a modern world.

33. Feathersite.com/Poultry/BRKPoultryPage.html

网站简介:An on-line zoological garden of domestic poultry, including photos and information about various breeds of fowl, such as chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, peafowl, pigeons, and turkeys. Various wildfowl are also included.

34. Downtotherootsmagazine.comdowntotherootsmagazine.com

网站简介:A magazine on living simply and getting 'back to your roots', organic living, green lifestyles, raising livestock, gardening.

35. Sheepscreek.com/index.html

网站简介:Includes FAQ on growing, harvesting, and storing hay for small farms. Greenland, NH, US.

36. Organic-gardening-and-homesteading.comorganic-gardening-and-homesteading.com

网站简介:Tips on homesteading, organic gardening, self reliance, living off the land, caring for goats and chickens, frugal living and healthy, frugal cooking.

37. Abundaculture.orgabundaculture.org

网站简介:An open forum on homesteading topics, with a strong focus on Christian and biblical concerns.

38. Summersacres.blogspot.comsummersacres.blogspot.com

网站简介:A husband and wife duo's journey and guide to homesteading, practical simple living, DIY, and emergency preparedness.

39. Scratchandpeck.blogspot.comscratchandpeck.blogspot.com

网站简介:Lauren's flock includes a special-needs hen named Lucy, a fixer-upper chicken named Pigeon, and Marky the Terrier.

40. Countrysidemag.comcountrysidemag.com

网站简介:Selected articles from the printed magazine for readers seeking voluntary simplicity and greater self-reliance with emphasis on home food production. Gardening, cooking, food preservation, and livestock. Has an active forum.

41. Tattooedhomestead.comtattooedhomestead.com

网站简介:Sustainable Farm, Apiary and Home

42. Backwoodsliving.combackwoodsliving.com

网站简介:Thriving Simply in a Complicated World.

43. Successwithpoultry.blogspot.comsuccesswithpoultry.blogspot.com

网站简介:Information on raising chickens for the beginning chicken keeper.

44. Kountrylife.com/index.htm

网站简介:An interactive country and rural living site with discussion forums, photo gallery, articles, how-to information, humor, sounds, and recipes.

45. Dlhunicorn.conforums.comdlhunicorn.conforums.com

网站简介:A library of links and articles, collated mainly from veterinary and poultry science/university sources

46. Ruleworks.co.uk/poultry/

网站简介:This website is a resource for smallholders and home poultry keepers.FAQs and A to Z.

47. Australianpoultryforum.comaustralianpoultryforum.com

网站简介:A.P.F is dedicated to promoting and preserving backyard poultry keeping throughout Australia and NZ.

48. Uncledutchfarms.comuncledutchfarms.com

网站简介:Narrative of the transitioning of one family from city life to rural life. Also contains lots of photographic tutorials on how to do things like baking bread, canning, gardening.

49. Marshchooks.webs.commarshchooks.webs.com

网站简介:Their club is a not-for-profit community group consisting of members all with a common interest in poultry.

50. Theurbanrancher.tamu.edutheurbanrancher.tamu.edu

网站简介:The Texas A&M University site dedicated to improving rural living with information on natural resources, rural life, and the urban-rural interface.