
1. Pbm.compbm.com

网站简介:Hosts Olympia, The Age of Gods, Singularity, Food Chain and Arena games. Also links to pbem tools and other sites.

2. Reality.comreality.com

网站简介:Featured games include Duelmasters, Hyborian War, and Forgotten Realms. Offers a brief introduction to the concept of play by mail games, company information, and rules [United States and Australia].

3. Flyingbuffalo.comflyingbuffalo.com

网站简介:Offers news on games provided, rules, a winners list, and a FAQ section [United States].

4. Harlequingames.comharlequingames.com

网站简介:evelops and sponsors fantasy turn-based strategic games including Legends, Serim Ral and Exile. Provides information on each game, testimonials, and a portfolio of each fantasy wargame published [United Kingdom].

5. Kjcgames.comkjcgames.com

网站简介:Official site. They have been moderating play by mail games since 1980.

6. Rollingthunder.comrollingthunder.com

网站简介:Includes a "what's new" section, company information, and gaming policies [United States].

7. Ukg.co.ukukg.co.uk

网站简介:Includes reviews, news updates, rules, background, and example turns for their play-by-mail games.es.

8. Groups.yahoo.com/group/Quest-Online

网站简介:Chat list for players of KJC Quest Online.

9. Games.groups.yahoo.com/group/quest/

网站简介:The main Quest chat list in general use. Covers all games.

10. Groups.yahoo.com/group/IACANGELS/

网站简介:List for tips, tricks, and general topics.

11. Groups.yahoo.com/group/monsterisland/

网站简介:A mailing list for players of the game in both the UK and the US.

12. Scv.bu.edu/~aarondf/monster_www/

网站简介:Includes transcripts of forums, newsletters, and lists of spells, creatures, and weapons.

13. Users.ox.ac.uk/~ctsu0009/wote/

网站简介:Contains guild history, profiles and joining information.

14. Angelfire.com/mo/ExtraTime/

网站简介:League 85 team statistics. Runs Extra Time Site Excellence Award.

15. Pvv.ntnu.no/~kennetso/dominion/

网站简介:The DOM player group, Includes background for the group as well as player information and contact addresses.

16. Home.nvg.ntnu.no/~cezton/bse.html

网站简介:Official website for affiliation #51.

17. Home.nvg.ntnu.no/~cezton/warlord.html

网站简介:With Glasnost and a bit of luck this world may just manage to avoid the folly of nuclear war. The world of Dexet is not so fortunate. Five centuries ago Dexet was devastated by a global holocaust. They're getting ready to do it again!

18. Homepage.ntlworld.com/michael.parnaby/Index.htm

网站简介:Personal homepage detailing turn by turn accounts of the various play by mail teams that the site owner manages and runs.

19. Standril.freeserve.co.uk/kjc/kjcindex.html

网站简介:Various game records and Hints and Tips.

20. Fishergeorge.freeserve.co.ukfishergeorge.freeserve.co.uk

网站简介:An unofficial companion to the original league of the award-winning Play By Mail game Gameplan.

21. Home.nvg.org/~cezton/kjc_iac.html

网站简介:Basic information on what It's a Crime is.

22. Kjcgames.com/extime.htm

网站简介:The official Extra Time website.

23. Kjcgames.com/chairman.htm

网站简介:The official UK Extra Time Chairman Edition website.

24. Kjcgames.com/crime.htm

网站简介:The official UK It's A Crime website.

25. Kjcgames.com/mi.htm

网站简介:The official UK Monster Island website has links to the rulebook, turncard and player's sites.