
1. Google.comgoogle.com

网站简介:Google目前被公认为全球最大的搜索引擎,也是互联网上5大最受欢迎的网站之一,在全球范围内拥有无数的用户。Google允许以多种语言进行搜索,在操作界面中提供多达30余种语言选择。 Google创建于1998年9月,创始人为Larry Page和Sergey Brin,他们开发的搜索引擎屡获殊荣,是一个用来在互联网上搜索信息的简单快捷的工具。Google取自数学术语googol,意思是一个1后面有100个0。

2. Youtube.comyoutube.com


3. Facebook.comfacebook.com

网站简介:Facebook是美国的一个社交网络服务网站 ,于2004年2月4日上线。主要创始人为美国人马克·扎克伯格。Facebook是世界排名领先的照片分享站点,截至2013年11月每天上传约3.5亿张照片。截至2012年5月,Facebook拥有约9亿用户。

4. Yahoo.comyahoo.com


5. Google.com.mygoogle.com.my

网站简介:Try a search on Google Book Search or on Google.com. When we find a book with content that contains a match for your search terms, we'll link to it in your search results.

6. Blogspot.myblogspot.my


7. Msn.commsn.com

网站简介:MSN,全称Microsoft Service Network,是微软公司(Microsoft)旗下的门户网站。

8. Maybank2u.com.mymaybank2u.com.my

网站简介:Maybank2u.com Internet Kiosk is a concept whereby Maybank provides the terminal to enable customers to do their internet banking transactions. The Internet Kiosk is another electronic delivery channel that complements the e-Kawanku Self-Service Terminals (SSTs) that are currently available at Maybank branches. ...

9. Wikipedia.orgwikipedia.org


10. Lazada.com.mylazada.com.my

网站简介:Lazada.com.my is part of Lazada Group which operates Southeast Asia’s number one online shopping and selling destination. Pioneering eCommerce in the region, Lazada provides customers with an effortless shopping experience with mobile and web access, multiple payment methods including cash-on-delivery, extensive customer care and free returns, and retailers with simple and direct access to ~550 million consumers in six countries through one retail channel. Lazada features an extensive product offering in categories ranging from consumer electronics to household goods and fashion.

11. Live.comlive.com


12. Mudah.mymudah.my

网站简介:Online marketplace offering classified advertisements. Provides regions and countrywide search.

13. Bing.combing.com

网站简介:微软必应(英文名:Bing)是微软公司于2009年5月28日推出,用以取代Live Search的全新搜索引擎服务。

14. Amazon.comamazon.com


15. Lowyat.netlowyat.net

网站简介:Malaysia's Largest Online Community. Tech News, Reviews and insanely addictive discussion forums focusing on the Malaysian Technology and Lifestyle scene.

16. Twitter.comtwitter.com


17. Cimbclicks.com.mycimbclicks.com.my


18. Instagram.cominstagram.com


19. Moretify.commoretify.com


20. Linkedin.comlinkedin.com

网站简介:LinkedIn 是一个商务社交的网络与平台。于二零零三年建立,现在在全世界已拥有两千五百万用户。什么样的职业人才都可以来LinkedIn,建立自己的帐户,把简历放在自己的主页上。并且,用户们可以通过搜寻与邀请和自己的同事朋友建立关系。

21. Paultan.orgpaultan.org

网站简介:Malaysia's number one automotive website covering the Malaysian and world automotive industry. Includes cars, bikes, trucks, motoring tips, test drives, and reviews.

22. Airasia.comairasia.com

网站简介:Asia’s leading low fare airline for business and leisure travelers, with more than 100 routes across Asia and Australia. AirAsia offers value for money and point to point flights.

23. Life.twlife.tw

网站简介:Life 生活網,提供台灣的食衣住行全國各地訊息。

24. Onclickads.netonclickads.net


25. Teepr.comteepr.com
