
26. Slt.lkslt.lk

网站简介:Home and business telecommunication provider for the nation. Services, e-shop, and contact information.

27. Dialog.lkdialog.lk

网站简介:Provides mobile, fixed line, broadband and satellite television facility. Includes download zone and web mail facility for users.

28. Stackoverflow.comstackoverflow.com


29. Linkedin.comlinkedin.com

网站简介:LinkedIn 是一个商务社交的网络与平台。于二零零三年建立,现在在全世界已拥有两千五百万用户。什么样的职业人才都可以来LinkedIn,建立自己的帐户,把简历放在自己的主页上。并且,用户们可以通过搜寻与邀请和自己的同事朋友建立关系。

30. Trackingclick.nettrackingclick.net


31. Baiscopelk.combaiscopelk.com

网站简介:අලුත්ම චිත්‍රපට හා සිංහල උපසිරැස ඔබ සැමට..! Baiscope Sinhalen is a Community service that shares reviews about various types of Movies. It also provides Exclusive Sinhala Subtitles for many of Movies~

32. Ask.comask.com


33. Xvideos.comxvideos.com


34. Nethfm.comnethfm.com

网站简介:Neth News - Breaking News 24x7 | Neth Balumgala - Secretly Recorded Videos | Neth Gossip - Underground News from Sri Lanka

35. Bbc.combbc.com


36. Live.comlive.com


37. Aliexpress.comaliexpress.com


38. Topjobs.lktopjobs.lk


39. Imdb.comimdb.com

网站简介:互联网电影资料库(Internet Movie Database,简称IMDb)是一个关于电影演员、电影、电视节目、电视明星和电影制作的在线数据库。IMDb创建于1990年10月17日,从1998年开始成为亚马逊公司旗下网站,2010年是IMDb成立20周年纪念。

40. Paypal.compaypal.com

网站简介:PayPal(在中国大陆的品牌为贝宝),是美国eBay公司的全资子公司。1998年12月由 Peter Thiel 及 Max Levchin 建立。 是一个总部在美国加利福尼亚州圣荷西市的因特网服务商,允许在使用电子邮件来标识身份的用户之间转移资金,避免了传统的邮寄支票或者汇款的方法。PayPal也和一些电子商务网站合作,成为它们的货款支付方式之一;但是用这种支付方式转账时,PayPal收取一定数额的手续费。

41. Jvpnews.comjvpnews.com


42. Gossipking.lkgossipking.lk

网站简介:Gossip King (www.gossipking.lk) is a totally different gossip news provider among the other gossip websites for providing the accurate information with up-to-the-minute gossip news updates.

43. Onclickads.netonclickads.net


44. Wordpress.comwordpress.com

网站简介:WordPress是一种使用PHP语言开发的博客平台,用户可以在支持PHP和MySQL数据库的服务器上架设属于自己的网站。也可以把 WordPress当作一个内容管理系统(CMS)来使用。

45. Dailymirror.lkdailymirror.lk

网站简介:Dailymirror.lk – Sri Lanka 24 Hours Online Breaking News : News, Politics, Video, Finance, Business, Sports, Entertainment, Travel.

46. Divaina.comdivaina.com

网站简介:දිවයින - සිංහල පුවත් පත.

47. Asianmirror.lkasianmirror.lk

网站简介:Asian Mirror is a news and opinion website that is primarily focused on politics, international relations, current affairs, business and sports.

48. Jayasrilanka.netjayasrilanka.net

网站简介:Sinhala mp3 3gp videos jokes sindu geetha sinhala joke, nonstop, dj remixes, dj nonstops, pirith downloads, chat with lankan girls boys in friends club(35000 reg members) n more

49. Cmb.ac.lkcmb.ac.lk

网站简介:Lists university overview, academics, student affairs, library, alumni pages, and contacts.

50. Maduraonline.commaduraonline.com

网站简介:Sri Lanka official language translator contains over 230,000 definitions with technical terms from medicine, science, law, engineering, accounts, arts and many other sources. This will be useful to doctors, lawyers, engineers, managers, lectures, students in schools and universities as well as professionals.