
76. Theguardian.comtheguardian.com

网站简介:英国卫报官网。《卫报》(The Guardian)是英国的全国性综合内容日报。与《泰晤士报》、《每日电讯报》被合称为英国三大报。

77. Apple.comapple.com


78. Hdwebtraffic.comhdwebtraffic.com


79. Uonbi.ac.keuonbi.ac.ke

网站简介:The University of Nairobi, a body corporate established by an Act of Parliament Cap 210 of the Laws of Kenya is the pioneer institution of University education in Kenya and the region. Find Details of faculties, departments, staff, services, admissions and much more!

80. Extratorrent.ccextratorrent.cc


81. Reddit.comreddit.com


82. Businessinsider.combusinessinsider.com


83. Kilimall.co.kekilimall.co.ke

网站简介:Kilimall is Kenya's premier online shopping mall, we strive to empower 30M Kenyans with cost-effective products & services, live smart with kilimall.co.ke

84. Tripadvisor.comtripadvisor.com

网站简介:TripAdvisor(官方中文名 猫途鹰)是全球知名的旅行社区,每月访问量达3.4亿,拥有2亿余条来自旅行者的真实点评,覆盖超过190个国家的酒店,景点和餐厅。其官方APP还同时支持离线下载和本地服务功能。

85. Blogger.comblogger.com

网站简介:Google 推出的一款免费博客发布工具,可用于分享文字、照片和视频。

86. Sportsmole.co.uksportsmole.co.uk

网站简介:Sports Mole provides 24 hours sports news coverage of a wide range of sports and sporting events. The site also runs live text blogs of softer matches and other major sporting events.

87. Forbes.comforbes.com


88. Diply.comdiply.com

网站简介:Entertainment Website

89. Livescore.comlivescore.com

网站简介:Real time football (soccer) match scores across International and over 100 leagues in 34 countries on a permanent basis.

90. Thepiratebay.sethepiratebay.se


91. Office.comoffice.com

网站简介:Microsoft Office是一套由微软公司开发的办公软件,它为 Microsoft Windows 和 Mac OS X而开发。与办公室应用程序一样,它包括联合的服务器和基于互联网的服务。最近版本的 Office 被称为 “Office system” 而不叫 “Office suite”,反映出它们也包括服务器的事实。

92. Hitc.comhitc.com

网站简介:HITC, digitally native since 2000, bringing you news and sometimes irreverent views, specialising in business, sport, tech, lifestyle, and politics.

93. Slideshare.netslideshare.net


94. Flashscore.comflashscore.com

网站简介:Most comprehensive livescore service on the global market offering detailed league tables and tournament draws, live centre and current betting odds comparison.

95. Webcrawler.comwebcrawler.com

网站简介:InfoSpace product offering combined results from Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and Ask. Searches the Web or only images, video, and news. Also offers white pages, and yellow pages.

96. Dropbox.comdropbox.com

网站简介:DropBox:免费云同步储存平台是目前世界上最受欢迎的文件存储和共享工具, 2009年5月100万用户,2010年2月400万用户,而到了2011年4月已有了2500万用户,2011年10月,用户超4500万,用户的暴增预示了它不可阻挡的增长趋势。

97. Softkenya.comsoftkenya.com

网站简介:All About Kenya, Kenyans, Business in Kenya, Kenyan travel tours and Safari, People of Kenya, Jobs in Kenya, Health in Kenya, Life in Kenya ... and more

98. Ampxchange.comampxchange.com


99. Spaceshipads.comspaceshipads.com


100. Directrev.comdirectrev.com
