
26. Smh.com.ausmh.com.au

网站简介:The online edition of Sydney's Sunday newspaper with magazine sections on entertainment, health, lifestyle, plus the weekends news and sports. Plus access to Winners Circle online competition.

27. Nab.com.aunab.com.au

网站简介:The largest bank in Australia, offering personal, business, agribusiness, and online financial services.

28. Seek.com.auseek.com.au

网站简介:SEEK is Australia s number one job search site. Thousands of jobs, millions of opportunities. Find work or recruit the ideal candidate.

29. Netflix.comnetflix.com


30. Anz.comanz.com

网站简介:Providers of banking, finance, credit card and mortgage services for personal, commercial and rural customers in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region.

31. Pinterest.compinterest.com


32. Wittyfeed.comwittyfeed.com


33. Microsoftonline.commicrosoftonline.com


34. Bom.gov.aubom.gov.au

网站简介:Weather reports and forecasts, weather warnings, climate information, and educational resources..

35. Nsw.gov.aunsw.gov.au

网站简介:Official New South Wales government web site. Contains details about parliament, legislation, government directory, Sydney 2000 Olympics, and a listing of the government agencies.

36. Imgur.comimgur.com


37. Kat.crkat.cr


38. Vic.gov.auvic.gov.au

网站简介:Entry point to state government information and services available to Victorians.

39. Tumblr.comtumblr.com


40. Qld.gov.auqld.gov.au

网站简介:Includes an online reference guide to the State of Queensland, its system of government, history and other information, as well as links to all government departments.

41. Imdb.comimdb.com

网站简介:互联网电影资料库(Internet Movie Database,简称IMDb)是一个关于电影演员、电影、电视节目、电视明星和电影制作的在线数据库。IMDb创建于1990年10月17日,从1998年开始成为亚马逊公司旗下网站,2010年是IMDb成立20周年纪念。

42. Ninemsn.com.auninemsn.com.au

网站简介:A joint venture between the Microsoft Corporation and PBL. Includes news and reviews, chat, shopping, finance, plus an Internet directory and site hosting service.

43. Telstra.com.autelstra.com.au

网站简介:Mobile phone, internet, and wired telephone service provider to Australia, covering 94% of the population.

44. Ebay.comebay.com

网站简介:eBay(EBAY,中文电子湾、亿贝、易贝)是一个管理可让全球民众上网买卖物品的线上拍卖及购物网站。ebay于1995年9月4日由Pierre Omidyar以Auctionweb的名称创立于加利福尼亚州圣荷西。人们可以在ebay上通过网络出售商品。

45. Microsoft.commicrosoft.com

网站简介:Microsoft – 官方网站,微软,是一家总部位于美国的跨国科技公司,是世界PC(Personal Computer,个人计算机)机软件开发的先导,由比尔·盖茨与保罗·艾伦创办于1975年,公司总部设立在华盛顿州的雷德蒙德市(Redmond,邻近西雅图)。以研发、制造、授权和提供广泛的电脑软件服务业务为主。

46. Outbrain.comoutbrain.com


47. Apple.comapple.com


48. Wordpress.comwordpress.com

网站简介:WordPress是一种使用PHP语言开发的博客平台,用户可以在支持PHP和MySQL数据库的服务器上架设属于自己的网站。也可以把 WordPress当作一个内容管理系统(CMS)来使用。

49. Pornhub.compornhub.com


50. Domain.com.audomain.com.au

网站简介:Real estate for sale and rental properties throughout Australia. Includes agent search, auction results and real estate news.