
51. Usarc.orgusarc.org

网站简介:Offers summer and winter sports programs; based in Big Bear, California.

52. Specialolympicstn.orgspecialolympicstn.org

网站简介:Sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Includes history, mission, and goals, competitions and events, volunteer opportunities, forms, and image galleries.

53. Achievetahoe.orgachievetahoe.org

网站简介:Program descriptions for a variety of adaptive sports for adults and children, volunteering information and organization history.

54. Cpsport.orgcpsport.org

网站简介:History of Cerebral Palsy sports, classifications, contacts and sport-specific information from this administration.

55. Disabledwintersport.com.audisabledwintersport.com.au

网站简介:Activities include downhill skiing, cross country skiing, ice hockey, dog sledding and snowshoeing. Recreational and race programs, camps, codes and links.

56. Paralympics.org.nzparalympics.org.nz

网站简介:Administrative structure and sports opportunities for individuals with disabilities in New Zealand.

57. Sabahinc.orgsabahinc.org

网站简介:Events, volunteering information and contacts for this not-for-profit company that provides ice skating education for individuals with disabilities in Western New York.

58. Usadth.tripod.com/home.html

网站简介:Officers, competition calendar, national team player and action pictures and history for this organization.

59. Mileshilton-barber.commileshilton-barber.com

网站简介:Miles is blind but keeps challenging barriers. A storyteller and corporate speaker, he uses his experiences as an adventurer to motivate others. United Kingdom.

60. Fdoa.orgfdoa.org

网站简介:Information and activities from this group attempting to enrich the lives of persons with disabilities.

61. Soiowa.orgsoiowa.org

网站简介:Provides year-round sports training and competition for children and adults with mental retardation.

62. Walkinroll.orgwalkinroll.org

网站简介:Supports and nurtures children and adults with developmental disabilities by providing team building opportunities through T-Ball, bowling, swimming and other group activities. Includes event schedule, applications, photos, player profiles, and donation and sponsorship information. Located in Hickory, North Carolina.

63. Parasportontario.caparasportontario.ca

网站简介:History, mission statement, photo gallery and message board.

64. Taasports.orgtaasports.org

网站简介:Offers water skiing instruction for the physically and mentally challenged.

65. Powerhockey.compowerhockey.com

网站简介:For persons in the USA requiring the use of an electric wheelchair in everyday life. News, rules, league and fixtures.

66. Ccpsa.caccpsa.ca

网站简介:Promotes athletic participation by individuals with cerebral palsy. Sports included are athletics, Boccia, cycling, obstacle course, swimming, and powerlifting. [Flash]

67. Teameverest03.orgteameverest03.org

网站简介:American expedition led by disabled climber Gary Guller. Eight trekkers with disabilities reached Base Camp, and Guller became the first arm amputee to reach the summit.

68. Activeamp.orgactiveamp.org

网站简介:Clearing house of information on amputee sports, adaptive sports, disability sports and activities for amputees who have or want an active lifestyle.

69. Specialolympicshawaii.orgspecialolympicshawaii.org

网站简介:Providing year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults in Hawaii.

70. Ampsoccer.orgampsoccer.org

网站简介:Provides an opportunity for recreational soccer programs for men, women and children on the local and regional levels, and competitive programs to the international and Amputee World Cup Levels.

71. Usdssa.orgusdssa.org

网站简介:Event and trip calendars, convention news, and contacts for this organization that manages selection for the US Deaf Alpine Skiing, Cross-Country Skiing and Snowboarding teams.

72. Usdeafsports.orgusdeafsports.org

网站简介:History, directory, event calendar, committees and links to sports-specific organizations.

73. Lorettaclaiborne.comlorettaclaiborne.com

网站简介:Profile of this successful Special Olympics athlete and motivational speaker who trains in York and speaks worldwide.

74. Specialolympicsalaska.orgspecialolympicsalaska.org

网站简介:Provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for people eight years of age and older with mental retardation.

75. Novasova.orgnovasova.org

网站简介:Year-round program of sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with mental retardation. NOVASOVA is Area 26, accredited by Special Olympics, Virginia.