
101. Auburn.edu/student_info/cheerleaders/

网站简介:Pictures, articles, tryout information, former cheerleaders, a FAQ, and contacts.

102. Stateallstars.comstateallstars.com

网站简介:Norristown group includes information on teams, staff, tumbling classes, awards, and schedule.

103. Necheer.comnecheer.com

网站简介:Located in Eagan. Provides competition team results and awards, classes, and coach profiles.

104. Nba.com/timberwolves/dancers

网站简介:News, photos, and videos.

105. Cheer.neu.educheer.neu.edu

网站简介:Details of tryouts, competitions, and pictures.

106. Cheer-alliance.comcheer-alliance.com

网站简介:News, members area, events, photos, and gym information.

107. Cheericca.orgcheericca.org

网站简介:Find information on membership, annual conference, regional and state competitions, and history of the organization here.

108. Mitcheersquad.wordpress.commitcheersquad.wordpress.com

网站简介:Cheers, football schedule, and roster.

109. Purduesports.com/sports/c-spirit/pur-c-spirit-body.html

网站简介:Official site includes team information, tryout information, academic requirements, performance opportunities and photos.

110. Missouristate.edu/cheer/

网站简介:Tryout details, contacts, and photographs.

111. Thecheercenter.comthecheercenter.com

网站简介:Includes class and competition information, links and schedules. Located in Grove City.

112. Utsports.com/fans/cheerleaders.html

网站简介:Contains roster, team photos, competition results, and tryout information.

113. Mutigers.com/index.aspx

网站简介:Official site of the Tigers with scores, statistics, pictures, rosters, and schedules of competitions.

114. Victorycheer.comvictorycheer.com

网站简介:Provides directions, staff, events, and gym history.

115. Midlandathletics.com/sport/0/32.php

网站简介:Contains team information and photos.

116. Tgibson1159.tripod.com/index.html

网站简介:Check out the great photos and tryout requirements for two cheer teams.

117. Cheerhome.comcheerhome.com

网站简介:Find camps, competitions, tips, coaching resources, articles and news, tumbling tips and shopping.ng.

118. Cheerleadingacademy.comcheerleadingacademy.com

网站简介:Home of TCA Thunder from Orland Park, gym lists classes, photo albums, team descriptions, and upcoming events.

119. Cune.edu/athletics/teams/cheerleading

网站简介:View roster, tryout information, photos, and a coach bio.

120. Saubees.com/sport/0/23.php

网站简介:Includes a team roster, pictures, and tryout information.

121. Universitycheerforce.netuniversitycheerforce.net

网站简介:Find team information, judging services, parent activities, competition schedule, choreography, custom camps, and calendar.

122. Athletics.svu.edu/sports/spirit/index

网站简介:View team news, roster, and coach information.

123. Thunderelite.comthunderelite.com

网站简介:All-Star cheerleading facility and teams with photos, staff information, awards, links and team summaries.

124. Sgucavaliers.com/sport/0/8.php

网站简介:View coach contact information for the Cavaliers cheer team.

125. Harvardcheerleading.wix.com/cheer

网站简介:Get the inside view of cheering for an Ivy League school, an overview of the team, alumni, related links, photographs, and coaching staff.