
126. Gothupnorth.co.ukgothupnorth.co.uk

网站简介:The Carpe Homepage. Containing Carpe Noctum goth night in Bradford, Carpe Diem afternoon event and Carpe Noctum Records.

127. Lilithastaroth.comlilithastaroth.com

网站简介:Online portfolio for the Gothic and fetish model, metal singer, and writer. Small gallery of images as well as information and contact details.

128. Rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot

网站简介:Source for technology related news with a slant towards Linux and Open Source issues.

129. Modrob.podomatic.commodrob.podomatic.com

网站简介:Modcasts celebrating the music of the mod lifestyle.

130. Walloftvs.orgwalloftvs.org

网站简介:Electronic music collective's site, with profiles, photographs, flyer scans, and audio loops.

131. Darklinks.comdarklinks.com

网站简介:Extensive link directory for dark art, literature, movies, music, news and community.

132. Geekchic.comgeekchic.com

网站简介:A look at the Geek Lifestyle as fashion. Includes an entertaining collecting of essays on Geek Culture.

133. Mrossman.orgmrossman.org

网站简介:Work of Michael Rossman, 1960s counter-culture Berkeley activist. Poetry, essays on Free Speech Movement, posters, science education.

134. Artcrimes.comartcrimes.com

网站简介:Mother of all graffiti sites, one of the longest running graffiti websites.

135. Ggcrew.orgggcrew.org

网站简介:A collective of Christian graffiti artists from different parts of the world.

136. Www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~susan/joke/nerd.htm

网站简介:500 questions in 12 sections to determine nerdity quotient.

137. Theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-19185,00.html

网站简介:Discusses the meaning and derivation of the term anorak as applied to a person.

138. Geek.orggeek.org

网站简介:Includes photo gallery, geek house listing, forum and writings.

139. Smugglers.comsmugglers.com

网站简介:Harpoon Harry's, the Captain's Table, and King's Gate, all located in the Fisherman's Village plaza, offer waterfront dining overlooking Charlotte Harbor. Includes menus for each restaurant, entertainment schedule, photo gallery, online store.

140. Vtwinbiker.comvtwinbiker.com

网站简介:Motorcycle resources, photography, and links for those who ride and work on Harley -Davidson, Indian, V-Twin, and custom cycles.

141. Jackiealpers.comjackiealpers.com

网站简介:Images that document personal habits, rituals, and beliefs. Includes self-portraits, biography, and contact information. [Requires: Flash]

142. Citypaper.net/articles/072601/news.terri.shtml

网站简介:The man behind TerriTickle gets six months for misusing the Internet. [Philadelphia Citypaper]

143. Breakdancingninja.combreakdancingninja.com

网站简介:Featuring breakdance videos, music, pictures, lessons.

144. Kronick.comkronick.com

网站简介:Explores the intersections of hip hop and skate culture in Los Angeles.

145. Jamesdeancreations.comjamesdeancreations.com

网站简介:Custom motorcycle building, painting and pinstriping. Discontinued Toyota factory stripes for trucks and 4Runners. T-shirts for sale and pics from rides and events.

146. Armory.com/tests/nerd500.html

网站简介:A 500 question test as an auto-scored HTML form.

147. Bikerrogue.combikerrogue.com

网站简介:Grey Beard Biker Photojourlanist who has been riding for 50 Years.

148. Smartmobs.comsmartmobs.com

网站简介:A website and weblog about topics and issues discussed in Howard Rheingold's book Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution.

149. Skinheadboots.co.ukskinheadboots.co.uk

网站简介:Personal page featuring pictures and picture stories.

150. Meowcheese.commeowcheese.com

网站简介:Allows users to upload and caption cat and related pictures and vote on submissions. Highest ranking pictures are promoted to the front page.