
126. Learndev.orglearndev.org

网站简介:LDI is a transdisciplinary networked learning community devoted to excellence in the development and study of learning. The collective responsibility for the ecology of the learning environment, and each individual's role in its participatory management, is among LDI's essential concerns.

127. Smartliving365.comsmartliving365.com

网站简介:SMART Living 365 is dedicated to sharing ideas and experiences for a more peaceful, meaningful and happy life--365!

128. Iep.utm.edu/ethics/

网站简介:Describes the field and its division in metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics. By James Fieser.

129. Iep.utm.edu/virtue/

网站简介:Entry in the Internet Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.

130. Ethics.sandiego.eduethics.sandiego.edu

网站简介:Designed primarily to be used by ethics instructors and their students. It is intended to provide updates on current literature, both popular and professional, that relates to ethics. Moral Theory and Applied Ethics: Ethical Relativism, Bioethics, Euthanasia, Religion, Gender Equality, Racial Equality, Sexual Orientation, Poverty, World Hunger, Virtue Ethics, Animal Rights, Environmental Ethics and Military Ethics.

131. Ucl.ac.uk/philosophy/

网站简介:Department of Philosophy - London, England - BA (and joint degrees with various other departments), MA, MPhil, PhD

132. Philosophy.unc.eduphilosophy.unc.edu

网站简介:Department of Philosophy - Chapel Hill, North Carolina - BA, PhD

133. Bu.edu/philo/

网站简介:Philosophy Department - Boston, Massachusetts - BA, MA, MA/JD, PhD

134. Iep.utm.edu/hobmoral/

网站简介:17th century British philosopher. Author of Leviathan (1651).

135. Simulation-argument.comsimulation-argument.com

网站简介:Site examining the hypothesis that we are currently living in an "ancestor simulation" run by a future, post-human society. Includes papers and research links.

136. Roslin.ed.ac.ukroslin.ed.ac.uk

网站简介:The Roslin Institute concentrates on UK farm animal science research, combining the advances in molecular and cellular biology to develop new scientific opportunities in biotechnology, animal production, breeding and welfare.

137. Ilovephilosophy.comilovephilosophy.com

网站简介:Discussion forums on philosophy, social sciences, politics, natural sciences, religion, and more. Also offers an outlet for member-written essays, papers, stories, and poetry.

138. Plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-politics/

网站简介:An article by Fred D. Miller, Jr. From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

139. Bioethics.georgetown.edubioethics.georgetown.edu

网站简介:A specialized collection of books, journals, newspaper articles, legal materials, regulations, codes, government publications, and other relevant documents concerned with issues in biomedical and professional ethics. The library holdings represent the world's largest collection related to ethical issues in medicine and biomedical research. This collection functions both as a reference library for the public and as an in depth research resource for scholars from the U.S. and abroad.

140. Drsoroush.comdrsoroush.com

网站简介:Scholar of Islamic thought and Iran's most influential liberal Islamic thinker. Site in English and Persian. His lectures and articles on Types of Religiosity, Islam and Democracy, etc.

141. Publicculture.orgpublicculture.org

网站简介:A reviewed interdisciplinary journal of cultural studies, published three times a year in Fall, Winter, and Spring for the Society for Transnational Cultural Studies

142. Plato.stanford.edu/entries/episteme-techne/

网站简介:Discussion of the distinction between knowledge and craft, or art in ancient philosophy; by Richard Parry.

143. Classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen.html

网站简介:Translated by W. D. Ross, from the Internet Classics Archive. Text-only version available for download.

144. Plato-dialogues.orgplato-dialogues.org

网站简介:Extensive site about Plato and his work, with biographical information, interpretation, indexes, and maps of the ancient world. By Bernard Suzanne.

145. Chesapeakeirb.comchesapeakeirb.com

网站简介:A commercial organisation providing ethics and scientific review of clinical studies. Also offers consultation and training to IRBs.

146. Zpub.com/notes/idle.html

网站简介:1932 article by Bertrand Russell, in which he assaults the notion of the nobility of work.

147. Philosophy.nd.eduphilosophy.nd.edu

网站简介:Department of Philosophy - South Bend, Indiana - BA, PhD

148. Theperspectivesofnietzsche.comtheperspectivesofnietzsche.com

网站简介:Range of sayings from Friedrich Nietzsche.

149. Bjaesthetics.oxfordjournals.orgbjaesthetics.oxfordjournals.org

网站简介:Published to promote study, research, and discussion of the fine arts and related types of experience from a interdisciplinary standpoint. Printed.

150. Wisdompage.comwisdompage.com

网站简介:Various on-line texts concerning wisdom, including references to books, education, research, organizations, and activities.