网站简介:An online community open to everyone with an interest in psychic, spiritual, paranormal, holistic, environmental and enlightenment topics. Features a library, forum and classes information. Paid registration required.
网站简介:Offers animal communication, healing, and Bach flower therapy and is also a medium providing aura and chakra healing and card readings. Contains services, courses and workshops information. Habscheid, Germany. [English, Dutch, German and French]
网站简介:Are you an Empath? Join our Empath Community! Ask questions, post your thoughts, learn how to control and develop your Empath skills.
网站简介:Formed as a clearing house for reports of ghosts, hauntings, poltergeist and life after death encounters. The society members actively research and investigate all reports that come their way including private homes and businesses.
网站简介:Psychic Sally Morgan is most well known for her hit TV show shown on Sky Living: Psychic Sally On The Road. Find Sally's Nationwide UK & Australian psychic tour dates, all official information on Psychic Sally Morgan on this website. You can also find her caring team of Psychic Readers available on the phone at a time to suit the customer.
网站简介:Provides teams of clairvoyants, mediums and Tarot phone readers in several countries, as well as email readings. Includes profile, rates and testimonials.
网站简介:A-Z of Unexplained mysteries like Bermuda Triangle, Loch Ness Monster, UFO and Aliens, Paranormal. Mysteries like Ghosts, spirits, Vampires, ESP, Secret organizations, Conspiracy Theories. Complete guide of Unexplained Mysteries and Paranormal Phenomenas. Collection of Mysteries from around the world
网站简介:Pioneer animal communication specialist Penelope Smith offers classes, wild dolphin swim tours, whale journeys, animal behavior healing, and telepathic communicating with animals. Contains biography, interviews, and stories. Prescott, Arizona.
网站简介:Ghosts, hangings, graveyards and haunts. Walking tours in
网站简介:A psychic-medium and author who has hosted her own TV show. Includes biography, appearances schedule, and information on readings and books.
网站简介:Dealing with the exploration of paranormal topics, including ghosts, psychics, afterlife, and UFO's.
网站简介:Dale Sellers offers "The Life Mastery Program", to enhance metaphysical abilities such as psychic perception and healing, as well as psychic counseling and personal growth resources. Includes biography and session details.
网站简介:Animal communicator, intuitive and Reiki Grand Master. Consultations in locating lost animals, as well as help with behavioral and health issues. Features services and fees details and photo gallery. Connecticut.
网站简介:Over 100 pages on UFOs.
网站简介:Case files of hauntings and encounters with ghosts. Includes ghost photos, EVP sounds, videos. Also contains personal accounts with the spirit world, a haunted places index, and a chat page for related discussions.
网站简介:A portal of UFO evidence, research tools and links to related sites.
网站简介:Forum for those interested in out of body experiences, spiritual healing, magic and dreams.
网站简介:Lesley Booth, founder, provides daily horoscopes, Tarot card readings and compatibility tests. Licenced content is supplied to a wide range of media and customers for distribution.
网站简介:Online, ongoing experiment which you can take part in, which apparently proves the existence of retropsychokinesis (the mind influencing events in the past!). There are many possible explanations - psychokinesis, ESP, a fraud, or something else.
网站简介:Animal behaviorist for performance horses and companion animals. Articles and information about workshops.
网站简介:A paranormal research by a solo paranormal and ghost researcher that at the moment had documented 1,344 paranormal images, 159 paranormal video clips and 633 evps that keep expending by days.
网站简介:View and share ghost stories and photos. Rate ghost tours and haunted locations. General ghost discussion.
网站简介:Don't let your past keep you from achieving your goals, enjoying the present or enhancing your future. Our specialty is in intuitive reading, healing, counselling, and hypnotherapy. Change Your Life For The Better, Permanently!
网站简介:A javascript based talking board.
网站简介:Magazine features horror fictions, ghost stories, and poetries. Submissions accepted.