
51. Earthday.envirolink.orgearthday.envirolink.org

网站简介:An event guide complete with a history of the observance.

52. Scary-terry.comscary-terry.com

网站简介:Many well documented "How-to's" including talking skulls, web shooters, kicking legs, and a vortex tunnel.

53. Hymnsandcarolsofchristmas.comhymnsandcarolsofchristmas.com

网站简介:Includes lyrics of over 1200 public domain carols, hymns, and popular songs.

54. Calendar-canada.cacalendar-canada.ca

网站简介:Online calendars with all relevant dates for people living in Canada. Users can customize and print calendars.

55. Cryptcrawl.comcryptcrawl.com

网站简介:Horror search engine and directory.

56. Mothers-day.123holiday.netmothers-day.123holiday.net

网站简介:History, quotes, poems, gift ideas, and kid crafts for Mothers Day.

57. Nextlongweekend.comnextlongweekend.com

网站简介:next long weekend in USA, long weekends in 2011, long weekends in 2012, long weekend 2011, long weekend 2012, long weekends in 2011 usa, long weekends in 2012 usa, us long weekends 2011, us long weekends 2012, long weekend usa 2011, long weekend usa 2012, Long Weekend Getaway Ideas, public holidays in USA, national holidays in USA, federal holidays in USA, holiday weekend

58. Theholidayspot.com/easter/history/

网站简介:Brief history of the spring festival.

59. Scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving/

网站简介:Resource guide from Scholastic designed to teach students the relationship between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans.

60. Schooloftheseasons.comschooloftheseasons.com

网站简介:Calendar of holidays for each month of the year, plus seasonal articles written by Waverly Fitzgerald, ideas for celebrating including rituals, crafts and recipes.

61. Planetchristmas.complanetchristmas.com

网站简介:Videos, FAQs, and a discussion forum regarding many aspects of Christmas lights.

62. Easternstate.org/halloween/

网站简介:Experience 13 frightening rooms in the historic Eastern State Penitentiary located in Philadelphia. Includes a schedule, dates, and times of event.

63. Nzhistory.net.nz/war/anzac-day/introduction

网站简介:History of Anzac Day, the Anzacs, biographies and diaries, paintings, photographs, and maps.

64. Preschooleducation.com/seaster.shtml

网站简介:About 20 simple songs and fingerplays suitable for young children.

65. Anzac.govt.nzanzac.govt.nz

网站简介:A New Zealand Government guide to ANZAC Day. Covers the history of the day, traditions and rituals, how it is commemorated today and a guide to Gallipoli.

66. Halloweenhorrornights.com/hollywood/

网站简介:Annual Haunt at Universal Studios Hollywood, based on famous horror movies. Discounted advance tickets and speed passes are available.

67. Literature.org/authors/shelley-mary/frankenstein/

网站简介:The Online Literature Library's etext divided into chapters.

68. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Fawkes

网站简介:Online encyclopedia covers the history of the Gunpowder Plot, with explanations of the words and terms used.

69. Jewfaq.org/barmitz.htm

网站简介:A discussion of the Jewish coming-of-age ceremonies: Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah and Confirmation.

70. Mymerrychristmas.commymerrychristmas.com

网站简介:Features stories, holiday movie reviews, advice column and emails to Santa.

71. Stlouisearthday.orgstlouisearthday.org

网站简介:Festival with a focus on the health of both the planet and ourselves.

72. Halloween-website.comhalloween-website.com

网站简介:Provides costume and decorating ideas, games, puzzles, party activities, recipes, safety tips, scavenger hunts, short stories and superstitions.

73. Anzacday.org.auanzacday.org.au

网站简介:Information for schools concerning the role played by Australian forces in war. Helps to organise the annual Anzac Day ceremonies in Queensland. Hosts articles related to different aspects of the Australian experience of war.

74. Fun4birthdays.comfun4birthdays.com

网站简介:Includes famous birthdays, news corresponding to year of birth, horoscopes, gift ideas, birthday trivia, birthday jokes, and online greetings.

75. Okcastle.comokcastle.com

网站简介:Experience the delights of Castleton; jousting, live chess matches, a masked ball, and the King's feast. Join King Henry VIII the first three weekends of May.