
51. Family-historian.co.ukfamily-historian.co.uk

网站简介:Windows-based. Family tree program offering complete diagram capabilities.

52. Dearmyrtle.comdearmyrtle.com

网站简介:Genealogy news, reviews and how-to articles on the Internet or via email newsletter.

53. Telgen.co.uk/families

网站简介:Utility to enable Legacy Family Tree files to be easily transferred from a PC to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, enabling them to be viewed and edited wherever you are.

54. Bcgcertification.orgbcgcertification.org

网站简介:Independent organization not affiliated with, or part of, any group. Nationally and internationally recognized, certifying body not a membership society.

55. Kongehuset.dkkongehuset.dk

网站简介:In English or Danish. Includes genealogical data and lineages of the Danish royal family.

56. Sephardicgen.comsephardicgen.com

网站简介:Sephardic Genealogy, Jewish Genealogy, sources of information. Internet, archives, books.

57. Distantcousin.comdistantcousin.com

网站简介:Genealogy and Family History Data including city directories, obituaries, alumni lists, military, cemetery records and photographs, marriage records and more

58. Census-online.comcensus-online.com

网站简介:Guide to census sites on the web.

59. Stevemorse.org/census/

网站简介:Helps you find the 1930 U.S. Census Enumeration District for a known address.

60. Gensoftreviews.comgensoftreviews.com

网站简介:List of genealogy software programs and services with user reviews.

61. Familytreecircles.comfamilytreecircles.com

网站简介:Message board for general discussion of genealogical topics.

62. Deadfred.comdeadfred.com

网站简介:Old photographs added by submitters, with names and locations.

63. Genealogics.orggenealogics.org

网站简介:An extensive genealogical database containing more than 400,000 persons. Much of the emphasis is on medieval ancestry, as well as on modern royalty and nobility. The data are mostly taken from good-quality secondary sources, which are specified for each e

64. Gennpdc.netgennpdc.net

网站简介:Group in the Nord and Pas-de-Calais region including the old provinces of Hainaut, Boulonnais, Artois, Flandre and Cambrésis. Includes forum and genealogical database.

65. Avotaynu.comavotaynu.com

网站简介:Publisher of information and products aiding research into Jewish family history.

66. Nps.gov/civilwar/soldiers-and-sailors-database.htm

网站简介:Comprehensive research tool for searching the records of the soldiers and sailors who fought in the Civil War.

67. Cousinconnect.comcousinconnect.com

网站简介:Post and browse queries. Sorted by state, country and surname.

68. Myheritage.com/family-tree-builder

网站简介:Windows genealogy software to create family trees.

69. Sandersweb.netsandersweb.net

网站简介:Ancestry of Hugh T Sanders from the UK to SC, NC and VA USA; includes photographs and associated documentation.

70. Members.iinet.net.au/~perthdps/convicts/

网站简介:A guide to researching convict ancestors. Research guide, shipping lists, convict tales, timeline, and census data.

71. Genealogybranches.comgenealogybranches.com

网站简介:Topics covered by Joe Beine include census, Native American, military, naturalization and passenger records.

72. Archives.gov/research/order/

网站简介:Information on how to purchase or rent microfilm publications from NARA.

73. Elizabethan.orgelizabethan.org

网站简介:Extensive sections on Elizabethan social, religious, economic background and heraldry.

74. Leisterpro.comleisterpro.com

网站简介:Macintosh-based genealogy software.

75. Bkwin.orgbkwin.org

网站简介:Windows-based shareware. Organize family history and print a variety of charts and reports.