
76. Adoptionuk.orgadoptionuk.org

网站简介:Offers support and resource services for adoptive families before, during and after adoption. Includes information about waiting children, adoption, training, resources, store, and how visitors can help their organization.

77. Sfpride.orgsfpride.org

网站简介:Information about the annual event, travel and visiting, organization, sponsors, and history.

78. Sageusa.orgsageusa.org

网站简介:National social service and advocacy organization dedicated to LGBT senior citizens. Details on activities, timeline, and service directory.

79. Bisexual.combisexual.com

网站简介:A forum for bisexual people. Also offers chat rooms, blogs, and photo albums.

80. Bisexual.orgbisexual.org

网站简介:Resources for bisexuals, sponsored by The American Institute of Bisexuality.

81. Uklgig.org.ukuklgig.org.uk

网站简介:UK registered charity set up to campaign for immigration rights for same sex couples and asylum seekers in the United Kingdom. Related documents, newsletter, and forum.

82. Alga.org.aualga.org.au

网站简介:A group that recovers and preserves materials that record the lives and experiences of gay men and lesbians in Australia. Lists of published items and writings about the history of same-sex desire and activity.

83. Downelink.comdownelink.com

网站简介:DowneLink is an online gay community that allows users to interact with one another through social networks and resources.

84. Y-woo.comy-woo.com

网站简介:A blog commenting on lesbian relationships. Topics include how to's, tips, places for dating and philosophy.

85. Lesbiangamers.comlesbiangamers.com

网站简介:Lesbian gamers read and discuss their love of video games. Covers Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, PC and other gaming platforms.

86. Nclrights.orgnclrights.org

网站简介:A legal center with a primary commitment to advancing the rights and safety of lesbians and their families.

87. B-gay.comb-gay.com

网站简介:Listing of services selectable by channel or a searchable database.

88. Rictornorton.co.ukrictornorton.co.uk

网站简介:Writings on lesbian and gay history and literature by Rictor Norton.

89. Qxmagazine.comqxmagazine.com

网站简介:Listings, features, music magazine dealing with the gay club scene in London and the UK. Updated weekly.

90. Gsanetwork.orggsanetwork.org

网站简介:Seeks to create safe environments in schools for students to learn about homophobia and other forms of oppression, educate the school community about homophobia, gender identity, and sexual orientation issues, and fight discrimination, harassment, and violence in schools. Youth-led.

91. Jeffreysanker.comjeffreysanker.com

网站简介:Producer of events throughout the United States.

92. Bestgaybloggers.combestgaybloggers.com

网站简介:Directory of gay blogs sorted by categories, commented by users.

93. Feastoffun.comfeastoffun.com

网站简介:A daily gay podcast on gay news, social media and celebrity interviews.

94. Islandhousekeywest.comislandhousekeywest.com

网站简介:Provides an exclusive all-male, clothing optional, guesthouse in the Old Town area. Includes a description of the facilities and rooms, rates, an FAQ, directions, and policies.

95. Communitymarketinginc.comcommunitymarketinginc.com

网站简介:Serving the LGBT Communities since 1992

96. Outfest.orgoutfest.org

网站简介:Organization to bridge audiences, filmmakers, and the entertainment industry through exhibition of queer-themed films and videos, including annual film festivals in Southern California. Includes program schedules, articles, mailing list, and image gallery.

97. Lgbtcenters.orglgbtcenters.org

网站简介:Supports and enhances LGBT community centers. Includes directory of members, programs, events, topics, and job listings.

98. Mygaystories.commygaystories.com

网站简介:Features a collection of gay fiction stories.

99. Thecentersd.orgthecentersd.org

网站简介:Lesbian and gay men's community center offers a variety of HIV, mental health, and holistic AIDS programs. Locations in San Diego and San Marcos. Maps and event schedule.

100. Gmhc.orggmhc.org

网站简介:An organization founded in 1981, GMHC offers hands-on support services in New York City and education and advocacy for hundreds of thousands nationwide.