
101. Mira.camira.ca

网站简介:Aims to bring greater autonomy to visually handicapped people and facilitate their social integration by providing them dogs fully trained for the person's individual needs; in English, French, and Spanish languages.

102. Drc.arizona.edudrc.arizona.edu

网站简介:Resource for people with disabilities at The University of Arizona.

103. Aema.comaema.com

网站简介:A non-profit, unincorporated association, formed in 1990 to meet the special needs of those involved with accessibility equipment, including the design, installation and maintenance of vertical, inclined and horizontal conveying systems which are used primarily to provide access and/or egress for physically challenged persons in public and residential environments.

104. Ncil.orgncil.org

网站简介:Advances the philosophy and advocates for the human rights of, and services for, people with disabilities. Includes a directory of local support schemes, employer's kit and a newsletter for personal assistants.

105. Homemods.orghomemods.org

网站简介:Information and resources on home modification and universal design.

106. Census.gov/people/disability/

网站简介:Collects and displays disability data through the American Community Survey (ACS). Includes figures of disabled work and school age numbers in the U.S.

107. Cds.hawaii.educds.hawaii.edu

网站简介:A Hawaii University program to promote improved quality of life for persons with disabilities through core functions of interdisciplinary training, research, service, and dissemination of products and promising practices.

108. Canineassistants.orgcanineassistants.org

网站简介:Non-profit organization training and providing dogs to undertake a range of tasks, including opening doors and retrieving dropped objects. Includes donation details.

109. Circletail.orgcircletail.org

网站简介:A nonprofit organization that provides high quality assistance dogs to people with mobility, hearing, neurologic or psychiatric disabilities.

110. Dsp.berkeley.edudsp.berkeley.edu

网站简介:Committed to ensuring that all students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities at UC Berkeley.

111. Cpacinc.orgcpacinc.org

网站简介:Statewide nonprofit organization that offers information and support to families of children with any disability or chronic illness, age birth through 21.

112. Calvert-trust.org.ukcalvert-trust.org.uk

网站简介:The centre, by Bassenthwaite Lake, provides adventurous outdoor activity courses for groups, families and individuals with disabilities. Details of activities, facilities, accommodation, and prices.

113. Wid.orgwid.org

网站简介:Dedicated to promoting independence and societal inclusion of people with disabilities. Includes publications, programs and events.

114. Wheelchairnet.orgwheelchairnet.org

网站简介:A community for people who have a common interest in wheelchair technology and its improvement and successful application.

115. Aath.orgaath.org

网站简介:AATH. Therapeutic humor resources and articles. Develops and supports research into the use of humor in therapy.

116. Eud.eueud.eu

网站简介:Find articles and news briefs concerning the status of the deaf and hard of hearing in Europe.

117. Fidelco.orgfidelco.org

网站简介:Nonprofit organization which trains guide dogs for the blind.

118. Ruralinstitute.umt.edururalinstitute.umt.edu

网站简介:Info on the projects and people of this University of Montana center which researches human development, community services, and education of people with disabilities in rural areas.

119. Handson.orghandson.org

网站简介:A New York based service organization dedicated to providing greater accessibility to arts and cultural events for the Deaf and hard of hearing community.

120. Projectparticipate.orgprojectparticipate.org

网站简介:Providing school teams with strategies to increase active participation of students with disabilities in the classroom.

121. Accesstravelcenter.comaccesstravelcenter.com

网站简介:Comprehensive listings of all things pertaining to disabled and senior travel.

122. Enableireland.ieenableireland.ie

网站简介:Works to enable people with physical disabilities to achieve maximum independence, choice and inclusion in their communities.

123. Dogsforthedeaf.orgdogsforthedeaf.org

网站简介:Program offers hearing dogs for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Has information about placement of animals, application process, and training programs.

124. Dialysisatsea.comdialysisatsea.com

网站简介:Handles medical and travel arrangements.

125. Childrenwithspecialneeds.comchildrenwithspecialneeds.com

网站简介:A site for parent of children with special needs including, but not limited to autism, adhd, microcephaly, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy.