
76. Ecst.csuchico.edu/~mcleod/software.html

网站简介:This is an (uncomplete and never finished) overview of software for simulation development and application. Members of the McLeod Institute have experience with some of the products and are continuously testing and applying new ones.

77. St.itim.unige.it/liophant/liophant.html

网站简介:An international working group of professional simulationists and students dedicated to simulation projects, tools and methodology.

78. Web2.uwindsor.ca/math/hlynka/qsoft.html

网站简介:List of Queueing Theory Software, including useful simulation tools. The list was compiled by Dr. Myron Hlynka of the University of Windsor, who welcomes any additions to the list.

79. Usc.es/pamm/en/index.htm

网站简介:Simulation tool that enables the prediction of the pressure field in stratified media formed by materials of different acoustic characteristics.

80. Z88.uni-bayreuth.dez88.uni-bayreuth.de

网站简介:Z88 is an open source finite elements program for Windows and LINUX. In German and English.

81. Panoramix.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~maq/eng/

网站简介:A page with examples of simulations of fluid dynamics, wave equations and mechanics, done by a student of Computational Physics at University of Wroclaw (Poland). Graphics and animations included.

82. Atl.external.lmco.com/projects/csim/

网站简介:Lockheed Advanced Technology Labs' CSIM is a general purpose discrete-event simulator for block diagram oriented systems. Graphical/interactive or text/batch simulations. Not to be confused with Mesquite Software's CSIM18, another simulation tool.

83. Osti.gov/estsc/

网站简介:The ESTSC is the U.S. Department of Energy's central repository and distribution point for Federally funded software dealing with all forms of energy, energy conservation, waste management, mathematics, and a myriad of other topics.

84. Geardownload.com/developers/moshe-cohen.html

网站简介:Free software for building and running discrete event simulations.

85. Idsia.ch/~andrea/sim/simtools.html

网站简介:Annotated index.

86. Idsia.ch/~andrea

网站简介:Provides interesting links to modeling and simulation sites and environmental decision support systems.

87. Adeptscience.co.uk/products/mathsim/vissim/

网站简介:A Windows-based program by Adept Scientific Ltd. for modelling and simulation of complex dynamic systems. Applications include automotive brake systems, precision motion control machinery, aerospace and dynamic process control simulations.

88. Tatainteractive.com/simulations.html

网站简介:Business simulations designed to build business acumen and accelerate leadership development.

89. Inrialpes.fr/planete/people/ernst/Documents/simulator.html

网站简介:The aim of this compilation is to overview some of the simulators currently available.

90. Don.valador.comdon.valador.com

网站简介:The Distributed Observer Network is a 3D environment used at NASA where simulation results can be assessed simultaneously by multiple users at multiple locations.

91. Actapress.com/Content_of_Journal.aspx


92. 1point2.eu1point2.eu

网站简介:Support of industry managers with simulation to assist their decision making process. 1Point2 provides services, fine software and training in the field of simulation.

93. Abstraction.comabstraction.com

网站简介:Windows based workflow and network simulation products. Offers screenshots, demo software, bibliography, references, and contacts.

94. Bardyne.combardyne.com

网站简介:Designers of HyPneu simulation software, a virtual laboratory for the design and simulation of fluid power and motion control systems. Also offering unique educational publications and training for fluid power professionals.

95. Caciasl.comcaciasl.com

网站简介:Free download of simulation software, Simprocess or Simscript. Use simulation packages to design and test business ideas.

96. Calerga.comcalerga.com

网站简介:Home page of SysQuake, powerful software for scientific visualisation. Through innovative use of interactive graphics, SysQuake reveals insights into complex mathematical systems.

97. Cara.decara.de

网站简介:Comprehensive room acoustics simulation software. CARA optimizes automatically the positioning of loudspeakers, visualizes the sound field in 3D and calculates a great variety of room acoustic reference numbers.

98. Simulation.iesimulation.ie

网站简介:Provides design, modelling and training expertise for electronic, process, assembly, high volume, and pharmaceuticals.

99. Scale-rt.comscale-rt.com

网站简介:Offers SCALE-RT, a simulation software for rapid control prototyping applications and for hardware-in-the-loop test systems.

100. Cyberlogic.orgcyberlogic.org

网站简介:Produces and sells ultrasound simulation software, Wave2000, markets a finite element stress analysis package named FEMdesigner and does research on 3D display systems, orthopaedic research, and the non-invasive assessment of bone for diagnosis of osteoporosis.