
101. Uni-konstanz.deuni-konstanz.de

网站简介:Official website in German and English. Includes information on campus services, links to faculty websites, and admissions information.

102. Perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph

网站简介:An interactive analyzer for Greek words, in Latin transliteration.

103. Econlib.orgeconlib.org

网站简介:Includes the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, economics blog (EconLog, edited by Arnold Kling and Bryan Caplan), classic texts, articles, and data links by topic.

104. Planningportal.gov.ukplanningportal.gov.uk

网站简介:Government gateway to planning information throughout the UK. Provides information on plans, appeals, applications, contact details, research areas.

105. Lifeprint.comlifeprint.com

网站简介:An American sign language resource site with free ASL lesson plans for teachers and self-study students and a dictionary.

106. Destatis.dedestatis.de

网站简介:Provides detailed and up to date economic statistics, as well as macro-economic and social information.

107. Careerplanner.comcareerplanner.com

网站简介:CareerPlanner.com provides an online career test, a free personality test, career counseling and other tools to help individuals discover the careers that are right for them.

108. Bbc.co.uk/languages/

网站简介:Online multimedia learning resources in Spanish, German, French and Italian. With Real Audio, Real Video, and Shockwave.

109. Liu.eduliu.edu

网站简介:Includes six locations, the Friends World Program, news items, publications, awards and upcoming events.

110. Ifc.orgifc.org

网站简介:IFC is a member of the World Bank Group. It finances and provides advice for private sector ventures and projects in developing countries in partnership with private investors and, through its advisory work, helps governments create conditions that stimulate the flow of both domestic and foreign private savings and investment.

111. Tiss.edutiss.edu

网站简介:Offers post-graduate programs, and research in social sciences, personnel management, research methodology, and health services. Information on research, resources, campus, publications, events, student activities, and contacts.

112. Https://btcxindia.com/

网站简介:BTCXIndia is the first Bitcoin exchange in India offering a secure, real time trading platform, following KYC & AML guidelines and allowing instant INR deposits and withdrawals.

113. Personalitypage.compersonalitypage.com

网站简介:Take the personality questionnaire and discover your four-letter type. Learn how type affects your career, relationships, and personal growth.

114. English-heritage.org.ukenglish-heritage.org.uk

网站简介:The Government's statutory adviser on England's built heritage. Details for visitors of over 400 of the country's most important buildings and monuments, which are in its care.

115. Directionsmag.comdirectionsmag.com

网站简介:An online publication devoted to coverage of the GIS industry as well as guides to GIS related resources.

116. Ideo.comideo.com

网站简介:Founded in 1991, IDEO is a global innovation and design firm that uses a human-centered, design-based approach to help organizations in the business, government, education, and social sectors innovate and grow in three ways: _ Identify new ways to serve and support people by uncovering their latent needs, behaviors, and desires. _ Visualize new directions for companies and brands and design the offerings - products, services, spaces, media, and software - that bring innovation strategy to life. _ Enable organizations to change their cultures and build the capabilities required to sustain innovation. LOCATIONS: San Francisco, Palo Alto (HQ), Chicago, Boston, New York City, London, Munich, Shanghai

117. Geography.about.comgeography.about.com

网站简介:Includes articles, annotated links, daily geographic quizzes, bulletin board, and chat room.

118. Trb.orgtrb.org

网站简介:Promotes innovation and progress in transportation by stimulating and conducting research, facilitating the dissemination of information, and encouraging the implementation of research results.

119. Spokensanskrit.despokensanskrit.de

网站简介:Provision for search of words and phrases of colloquial Sanskrit language. Displays search results in Devanagari and transliterated Roman letters.

120. Apa.org/monitor/

网站简介:The monthly newspaper of the American Psychological Association.

121. Onlinestatbook.comonlinestatbook.com

网站简介:Features interactive demonstrations and simulations, case studies, and an analysis lab.

122. Etranslator.roetranslator.ro

网站简介:The best solution for English Romanian full-text translations. Free online machine translation engine. Free demo download. SMS Translator and SMS Dictionary.

123. Cl.cam.ac.ukcl.cam.ac.uk

网站简介:The Computer Laboratory offers an MPhil programme in Advanced Computer Science (ACS) including modules on computational linguistics, e.g. Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning for Language Processing, Lexical Semantics and Discourse Processing, Advanced Speech Technology, Deep Language Modelling, and Syntax and Semantics of Natural Language.

124. Myersbriggs.orgmyersbriggs.org

网站简介:Mission is to continue the work of Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers in the field of psychological type, especially the ethical and accurate use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument.

125. Personalitycafe.compersonalitycafe.com

网站简介:A social forum dedicated to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. It enables the user to contact people with similar personalities and interests.