网站简介:The National Academy of Science and Letters.
网站简介:CODATA works to improve the quality, reliability, management and accessibility of data of importance to all fields of science and technology.
网站简介:A global network of young scientists under the aegis of UNESCO, for young researchers to carry out scientific research and take part in science policy and decision-making.
网站简介:Established by the state of Berlin in 2009, the Foundation supports the state's research both financially and structurally.
网站简介:Private funding source for biomedical engineering research and education in the United States.
网站简介:The Society aims to advance science, develop careers and support wider understanding of science and microscopy. Information on membership, news and events, and publishes the Journal of Microscopy.
网站简介:Supports interests including agricultural research, preservation of farmland, ecology, plant genetic research, conservation and sustainable development. Application procedure and details of past grants.
网站简介:A non-profit company whose core business is research and development on issues of strategic importance to Australia in the 21st Century.
网站简介:HTX supports and accelerates the growth of the Medical and Assistive Technology sector in Ontario, and nationally. Funding is available for approved programs.
网站简介:A private, non-profit, scientific and educational organization of scientists and others interested in science. Information of membership, meetings, education and grant programmes.
网站简介:Aims to encourage the advancement of science and "to conduct, endow, or assist investigation in any department of science."
网站简介:Graduate Fellowship program in the physical sciences, targeting minorities and women to provide diversity and balance to meet future needs of academia and industry.
网站简介:EAS aims to promote excellence in science and technology and their essential roles in fostering social and economic development and progress.
网站简介:Aims to encourage, through collaborative research and publications, those branches of learning promoted by its members including philology, archeology, history, the moral, political and social sciences.
网站简介:The European Union's scientific and technical research laboratory and an integral part of the European Commission.
网站简介:A subscriber based organisation providing information and advice primarily to UK organisations on European Union funded opportunities for research and higher education.
网站简介:Established by a consortium of departments from the universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. News, presentations, lectures and events, publications, links.
网站简介:An independent platform of European learned societies and scientific organizations. Members, activities.
网站简介:ICSTI provides a forum for interaction between organizations that create, disseminate and use scientific and technical information. Information about the organization, membership, reports and events.
网站简介:A science, engineering and technology park. Directory of companies, news, events and contacts.
网站简介:ASERS is a professional organization which aims to promote excellence in scientific research and education for sustainable development and to play a major role in bringing science and society a step closer together.
网站简介:The national forum for the natural sciences. Description of the academy, its activities, contacts, events, reports, news.
网站简介:To promote, encourage, and advance the study of, research into, and the dissemination of knowledge of and relating to physics, chemistry and physical chemistry in all their aspects and in particular, but without prejudice to the foregoing generality, colloids and interfaces. Based in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
网站简介:Offers support for international collaboration between scientists from countries of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and the Mediterranean Dialogue. Information about scholarships, fellowships, workshops, and other programs.
网站简介:Organization dedicated to the promotion of science education and the fostering of scientific research in the state of Georgia.