网站简介:A molecular viewer for Windows9x systems with sequence editor and protein builder. Free for academic use. Additionaly the iMol molecule viewer is available for Mac OS X systems.
网站简介:Gel documentation systems and imaging and analysis software. UVP designs, CCD cameras, image acquisition and analysis software for chemifluorescence, chemiluminescence, fluorescence and visible light imaging.
网站简介:Includes neuroanatomy, bone histomorphometry, biomaterials, stereology, 3-D modeling, toxicology, pathology, cell biology, and time-lapse imaging.
网站简介:Designers and markers of industrial x-ray inspection imaging systems.
网站简介:UK company offers security, parking, and traffic control solutions employing recognition hardware and software. Includes technical information and case studies.
网站简介:Specializes in forensic and medical video image processing, supplies hardware, software and services from Pasadena, California.
网站简介:Offers education and training across a wide range of equipment. At Westmont, Illinois, USA.
网站简介:August 15-18, 2005 conference in Germany for research on force controlled imaging, spectroscopy and manipulation.
网站简介:Specializes in autostereoscopic 2D/3D switchable desktop display products, autostereoscopic 3D projection technology and ultra-high definition flat panel display technology.
网站简介:Stereology systems including image analysis for biological research including the neurosciences, toxicology, and pharmacology.
网站简介:Prof. J. Arbiol and his group are developing and applying electron nanoscopy and microscopy tools to characterize a wide variety of materials including semiconductors, superconductors, magnetic materials, metals and catalysts.
网站简介:Special report on how Drs. Garner, Munjuluri and Huebschman at UTSMC have pioneered holographic animation using digital micromirror devices.
网站简介:Reseller of imaging products including frame grabbers, digital cameras, software and analysis workstations.
网站简介:Experts in imaging system consultancy and design. Company profile and contact information.
网站简介:Image analysis, processing and editing software for metrology, lab automation, machine vision, bioinformatics and material analysis. Compatibility with industrial imaging hardware and standard video capture devices.
网站简介:Inviting membership. Includes abstracts of journals, courses and details of related conferences..
网站简介:Manufacturer and developer of a range of X-ray, UV, visible to NIR scientific cameras, technologies and accessories with an emphasis on ultra high speed and biomedical and biochemistry applications.
网站简介:Interdisciplinary collection of links, including artistic images related to polarized light microscopy.
网站简介:Details of systems with computer interfacing for automation and spectral diagnostics in the UV, visible and IR range from manufacturer in Berlin, Germany.
网站简介:Provides electron microscopy supplies and equipment and custom machining and laboratory services.s.
网站简介:Offers reference standards for the following micro-analysis systems: AUGER, BSED, EDX, SEM, STEM, TEM, WDX, XRF and micro-probe. Also manufactures calibration standards for BSED and scanning electron microscope.
网站简介:Offers consulting and training in the fields of microtomy and preparation. Also quality control service and failure analysis available from Mannheim, Germany.
网站简介:Manufacturer and distributor of digital high speed cameras based in Malaysia.
网站简介:Information guide to selecting and buying microscopes.
网站简介:Online database of microscopy vendors from optical and electron microscopy, spectroscopy, microanalysis, spare parts, and image analysis.