
176. Smartsensors.comsmartsensors.com

网站简介:Manufacturers of a complete line of RTD, thermocouple, thermowell and sensor products, including surface temperature sensors and resistance temperature detectors.

177. Microscopenet.commicroscopenet.com

网站简介:Retailer of optical microscopes and accessories including loupes, stereo, compound, industrial and digital microscopes and systems.

178. Quantumdetectors.comquantumdetectors.com

网站简介:Fast detectors for science, medicine and industry for X-ray, IR, UV and visible detection. A spinout company from STFC and Diamond Light Source.

179. Woodleyequipment.comwoodleyequipment.com

网站简介:Provides medical and laboratory equipment to the clinical trial, veterinary and medical markets..

180. Blackcatsystems.com/GM/

网站简介:Manufacturers of computer-based geiger counters for alpha, beta, gamma, and x-ray radiation measurement and monitoring.

181. Strobotics.comstrobotics.com

网站简介:Features an overview of articulated, cylindrical and Cartesian robots made by this firm as well as controls, software and applications.

182. Fischione.comfischione.com

网站简介:Electron microscopy sample preparation and imaging products

183. Omegafilters.comomegafilters.com

网站简介:Design and manufacture of a wide variety of custom and stock filters for scientists and industries.

184. Tq.comtq.com

网站简介:We deliver learning through the provision of teachers, tutors, mentors and instructors who work in managed teams within the TQ framework of quality, administration and management.

185. Labomed.com/index.htm

网站简介:Spectrophotometers and accessories for wide range of science, research, and laboratory applications.

186. Labequip.comlabequip.com

网站简介:Offers new, used, surplus and refurbished equipment, as well as rental and repair services.

187. Omni-inc.comomni-inc.com

网站简介:Offers a wide range of laboratory homogenizers, including rotor-stator, ultrasonic, bead mill and multi-sample generators.

188. Mbfbioscience.commbfbioscience.com

网站简介:Provides tools for microscopic analysis such as neuron tracing, stereology, brain mapping, and virtual slides. Includes product descriptions and pricing information.

189. Sartorius.co.uksartorius.co.uk

网站简介:Suppliers of weighing and filtration products and accessories.

190. Scopes.comscopes.com

网站简介:Specialists in the design, development and manufacture of borescopes, fiberscopes and videoscopes for inspection or observation into hostile environments or inaccessible areas.

191. Astell.comastell.com

网站简介:Manufacturers of autoclaves and sterilizers for laboratory and medical applications.

192. Globescientific.comglobescientific.com

网站简介:A manufacturer and supplier of plastic disposables for all areas of the laboratory including Chemistry, Coagulation, Hematology, Histology, Microbiology, Pathology, Serology and Urinalysis.

193. Canberra.comcanberra.com

网站简介:Manufactures radiation detection and analysis instrumentation. Provides health physics services for industries engaged in nuclear power, decontamination and decommissioning, and safeguards. Headquarters are in Meriden, CT, USA.

194. Saesgetters.comsaesgetters.com

网站简介:Manufactures evaporable and non-evaporable getters used to create and maintain vacuum and purified gas environments. (Nasdaq: SAESY).

195. Integra-biosciences.comintegra-biosciences.com

网站简介:Manufactures pipettes and other liquid handling products. Provides product descriptions, company profile, online shopping, and contact information.

196. Scimed.co.ukscimed.co.uk

网站简介:UK based distributor of scientific laboratory equipment.

197. Instrumentsgroup.co.zainstrumentsgroup.co.za

网站简介:Suppliers of Test and Measurement Instruments into Southern Africa for over 25 years of quality branded products such as Lutron, Fluke, FLIR, Lodestar, EZ Digital and many others. Products range from Infrared thermal imaging cameras, digital storage oscilloscopes to Power Supplies and Multimeters and more.

198. Dicksondata.comdicksondata.com

网站简介:Data logger and chart recorder manufacturer of temperature and humidity monitoring equipment.

199. Datataker.comdatataker.com

网站简介:High-speed multi-channel data logger systems and data acquisition software.

200. Ortec-online.comortec-online.com

网站简介:Leading supplier of measurement systems, electronic instruments and modules, high-resolution radiation detectors, and data analysis software for high-resolution nuclear spectroscopy, fast-timing and pulse-height analysis. For general research in the nuclear industry and related fields.