
151. Navcen.uscg.govnavcen.uscg.gov

网站简介:Provides the latest GPS and DGPS outage information, navigation forums, almanacs and local notices to mariners.

152. Accuweather.com/en/hurricane

网站简介:Forecasts and updates on the latest storms (worldwide), as well as past storm histories, information, and trivia.

153. Pangea.stanford.edupangea.stanford.edu

网站简介:School of Earth Sciences.

154. Mote.orgmote.org

网站简介:This independent, nonprofit research organization in Sarasota, Florida, has a great deal of information about shark and dolphin research, sea turtles, other marine mammals, elasmobranchs, and other marine life indigenous to Florida waters. Site has a shark tank interactive camera.

155. Drought.unl.edudrought.unl.edu

网站简介:The National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) helps people and institutions develop and implement measures to reduce societal vulnerability to drought. The NDMC, based at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, stresses preparation and risk management rather than crisis management.

156. Bpelsg.ca.govbpelsg.ca.gov

网站简介:The mission of the Board is to safeguard the life, health, property, and public welfare by regulating the practice of professional engineering and land surveying.

157. Oceanologyinternational.comoceanologyinternational.com

网站简介:Aim is to establish a joint ocean forum, by enabling many complementary key events to be held in one place and at one time, therefore bringing together a range of the most highly respected societies, organizations and groups.

158. Met.psu.edumet.psu.edu

网站简介:Undergraduate and graduate information. Faculty, internships, and research.

159. Atoptics.co.ukatoptics.co.uk

网站简介:Photo visual spectacles produced by light playing on water drops, dust and ice crystals in the atmosphere. Explanations applying atmospheric physics, images and downloadable freeware to simulate them.

160. Minsocam.orgminsocam.org

网站简介:MSA Online: New Interactive Content and Programming offered by the Mineralogical Society of America.

161. Galleries.comgalleries.com

网站简介:Provides a searchable database of mineral and gemstone descriptions, images, and specimens.

162. Tarpits.orgtarpits.org

网站简介:Exhibits extinct Ice Age plants and animals. Includes hours and admission rates, FAQs, and directions to the location in Los Angeles.

163. Geolsoc.org.ukgeolsoc.org.uk

网站简介:General geology portal site, including links, products, and a discussion forum for professionals and students.

164. Awi.deawi.de

网站简介:Polar and Marine research are central themes of Global system and Environmental Science.

165. Caves.orgcaves.org

网站简介:The national caving organization of the USA, with links to all affiliated regions, grottos (clubs), sections, and special interest groups.

166. Alta.orgalta.org

网站简介:The national trade association and voice of the abstract and title insurance industry based in Washington, D.C.

167. Nexttraining.netnexttraining.net

网站简介:NExT, a Schlumberger Company, provides oil and gas training and professional development services for the E&P industry. We offer a portfolio of over 420 practical courses, training programs, and competency services that cover technical and software skills

168. Nssl.noaa.govnssl.noaa.gov

网站简介:Conducts research to improve accurate and timely forecasts and warnings of hazardous weather events such as blizzards, ice storms, flash floods, tornadoes, and lightning.

169. Atmos.albany.eduatmos.albany.edu

网站简介:Offers interdisciplinary undergraduate degrees. Contains weather data, forecasts, and seminars.

170. Pnsn.orgpnsn.org

网站简介:Based at the University of Washington, the PNSN operates seismograph stations and locates earthquakes in Washington and Oregon and provides information on Pacific Northwest earthquake activity and hazards.

171. Mi.mun.cami.mun.ca

网站简介:Offering state of the art educational resources, simulation, and communication mediums.

172. Asprs.orgasprs.org

网站简介:American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing: The imaging and geospatial information society.

173. Riteintherain.comriteintherain.com

网站简介:Manufacturer of waterproof, outdoor writing paper.

174. Geology.gsapubs.orggeology.gsapubs.org

网站简介:Journal of the Geological Society of America.

175. Met.nomet.no

网站简介:The DNMI provides the public meteorological services for both civil and military purposes.