网站简介:N2YO provides web-based realtime satellite mapping tool tracking many satellites.
网站简介:Allows you to view celestial objects, including stars, constellations, galaxies, planets and the Earth's moon
网站简介:Academics, research, facilities, news, events, resources, and special programs.
网站简介:Computes the position, brightness, and other observable characteristics of celestial bodies, as well as the circumstances of astronomical phenomena. Includes information on calendars and related topics.
网站简介:Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures
网站简介:Interactive space simulator created by Dan Dixon. It includes the solar system, the nearest 1000 stars, the local group of galaxies and an unlimited number of fictional scenarios.
网站简介:Shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.
网站简介:Telescopes, binoculars, CCD cameras, spotting scopes, microscopes, night vision equipment , eyepieces, telescope accessories and more. Product lines include Meade, Celestron, Tele Vue, Losmandy, Orion, SBIG, FLI, QSI, Apogee Instruments, Takahashi, PlaneWave, Software Bisque, Explore Scientific, Stellarvue, and others. Located in California.
网站简介:Hubble Space Telescope News
网站简介:Manufacturer of telescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, riflescopes, laser rangefinders, speed guns, and weather resistant digital cameras. Products are designed primarily for outdoor, sports and nature enthusiasts.
网站简介:Browse archives of previous questions and answers, or submit a question to be answered by astronomers at Cornell University.
网站简介:Home of the Very Large Array and Very Large Baseline Array near Socorro, New Mexico.
网站简介:Experimental observatory for the detection of gravitational waves.
网站简介:Overview with historical background and basic astronomy concepts, details about planets, satellites, asteroids, comets and meteors.
网站简介:An overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system.
网站简介:Provides access to a wide variety of astrophysics, space physics, solar physics, lunar and planetary data from NASA space flight missions, in addition to selected other data and some models and software.
网站简介:Produces the well known Astroscan telescope, plus telescope kits, Barlows, eyepieces, telescope accessories and a variety of science education kits.
网站简介:Observations and research related to northern lights, aeronomy, atmospheric chemistry, and related science.
网站简介:NASA NEO Program Office at JPL. Overview, press releases, FAQ, 3D orbit viewer. Research information and statistics, including risk calculations for possible collisions with Earth.
网站简介:UK magazine offers current news and subscription information.
网站简介:Applications page with moon rise/moon set, lunar eclipse, and lunar positions and phase data.
网站简介:Collaboration between the Harvard College Observatory (HCO) and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO).
网站简介:Virtual planetarium customizable by location (latitude and longitude) and time of day. Requires Flash.
网站简介:Resources for the planet, including facts, pictures, maps, information about specific exploration missions, and educational materials.
网站简介:General information, articles, downloads, equipment information, news, and links.