网站简介:Offering photographic and consumer electronics, including new and used equipment. Store hours, online shopping, and travel directions.
网站简介:纽约邮报(New York Post)是美国历史最悠久的报纸之一。创办于1801年,现属媒体大亨默多克的新闻集团。其报道风格以煽情、八卦而闻名。在1960年代后半期,日发行量曾达70万份,现虽下降到41.8万份,但仍然是纽约最重要的报纸之一。
网站简介:Manufacturer of complete MAN, WAN, LAN, and WLAN equipment. Includes a library of product and technology documentation, as well as in-depth network solutions.
网站简介:美国合众银行(U.S. Bank)是一家金融服务公司,成立于1895年,总部位于明尼阿波利斯,在美国24个州设有两千多家办事机构,透过旗下子公司及ATM自动提款机提供完整的金融经纪服务,并且向客户、机构和企业提供包括银行、经纪、保险、投资、抵押信贷和支付服务的综合产品。
网站简介:Daily Manhattan media news and gossip.
网站简介:Houston daily Newspaper.
网站简介:Check rates and make reservations.
网站简介:美国著名的庸俗小报,原名《纽约插图每日新闻》,帕特森创立于1919 年。该报是一份只相当于普通报纸一半大小的小型报纸。以纽约居民中的外来移民和在美国出生而文化水平低的那部分人为对象,以大幅图片,流行特色及色情题材为内容,取得了很大的成功。
网站简介:美国国家气象局(National Weather Service)是美国商务部国家海洋和大气管理局属下的六个部门之一,成立于1870年,总部位于马里兰州银泉,主要负责为美国及其属地、邻近水域及海洋地区提供天气、水文及气候预报和警报,藉以保护生命财产和国家经济。
网站简介:Clinical experts provide current medical information and news on health topics.
网站简介:Includes directory and online reservations.
网站简介:News, political opinion and commentary, and the political issues of the day.
网站简介:Find, Buy and Sell homes online.
网站简介:Features headlines, stories, video, polls, and analysis.
网站简介:A regularly updated companion web site to the magazine Atlantic Monthly. Includes fiction, featured articles and reviews.
网站简介:Information about the department, its officials, and foreign affairs activities; also webpages for regular and special programs, consulates, and materials about geography, travel, foreign policy, and related topics.
网站简介:Daily newspaper for the greater San Francisco area. Includes global news, regional information, classifieds, and entertainment.
网站简介:Drug store chain. Features online buying facilities, career opportunities, company news, and investor information.
网站简介:Job search, resume management, advice from career experts, plus chats and message boards on a variety of topics.
网站简介:Offering courses and degrees via the Internet.
网站简介:Specialty retailers of toys, games, and baby apparel.
网站简介:Trendy clothing retailer, with online sales and store locator. Ships in USA and Canada.
网站简介:Canadian radio and TV network. Includes news, air schedules, corporate profile, and message forums.