网站简介:Jehovah's Witnesses. Profile, beliefs, activities, publications, contact information.
网站简介:The official site with news, fixtures, results, league table, statistics, club profiles and travel details.
网站简介:英国汇丰银行有限公司是汇丰集团在英国的网点覆盖。英国汇丰银行有限公司(HSBC Bank plc)是英国的一间结算银行,以及汇丰集团在欧洲地区的总管理处,现时属于英国以及欧洲最大的银行。其前身为1836年在伯明翰成立的米特兰银行有限公司(Midland Bank)。米特兰银行被收购前,已经透过开设分行及收购其他银行来扩展业务,成为英国数一数二的大型银行。
网站简介:Online edition of daily paper offering breaking news, weather, sports, web specials on current events, and Chicago area guides. Features members' area for subscribers.
网站简介:REI Cooperative provides gear for camping, hiking, climbing, cycling, paddling, skiing gear and clothing; product information, how-to, and sale items.
网站简介:Extensive news coverage on Indian politics, business and economy.
网站简介:News from Australia and the world, featuring national, world, business, sport, entertainment and technology news from News Limited's resources and newspapers.
网站简介, one of India's best known brands and the world's largest matrimonial service was founded with a simple objective - to help people find happiness. The company pioneered online matrimonials in 1996 and continues to lead the exciting matrimony category after more than a decade. By redefining the way people meet for marriage, has created a world-renowned service that has touched over 20 million people.
网站简介:英国维珍传媒,维珍媒体(Virgin Media)是英国第一家通信、电视全业务运营商,欧洲最大的移动虚拟网络运营商,也是英国第二大付费电视公司。从2006年起经营通信与广电领域的四重业务:电视、宽带、移动和固话,成为通信和广电行业的巨头。2011年10日13日,维珍传媒(VirginMedia)推出一个“国旗”版本的标识。这个标志将更大限度的反映VirginMedia是英国人的骄傲。这将会在2012年的伦敦奥运会上展示给全世界的人们。标志由Start Jg负责设计。
网站简介:A directory of new and used cars. Includes news and features, road tests, competitions and events.ts.
网站简介:Independent developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software for various platforms. Corporate information, videos, tips and hints, and customer support.
网站简介:Most comprehensive coverage of news, videos, Bollywood, music, politics, cricket and blogs nformation from India.
网站简介:Full details on forthcoming BBC TV and radio programmes.
网站简介:A weekly covering politics, general interest news and entertainment.
网站简介:Searches job sites, newspapers, associations and company career pages for employment advertisements.
网站简介:Full minor road and street level coverage for the whole of Great Britain. Enter a UK address to access maps. Zoom and roam features.
网站简介:Delivers over 200 channels of sports, news, movies, adult, family, network and cable programming via satellite.
网站简介:A resource site for Webmasters, focusing on web site design, promotion, submission, positioning, marketing and profitability. Articles by noted Web professionals.
网站简介:Mission is to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability. Includes guidelines, articles and resources for consumers and health professionals.
网站简介:FNB provides personal, commercial and corporate banking services to more than 6 million customers across South Africa. It is also the single largest contributor to FirstRand's bottom-line. Read about how we got there
网站简介:The ABC is Australia's public broadcaster. Includes national and local television and radio schedules.
网站简介:Organization for mature adults 50 and above. Information on health, long-term care, economic security, independent living and consumer issues.