
51. Niceties.com/atomic.html

网站简介:Details on Doug Hogarth's experiments with his atomic clock.

52. Clockmaker.co.ukclockmaker.co.uk

网站简介:Company specialized in all aspects of work connected with church clocks, public clocks, and tower clocks which includes the full historical restoration of antique clock movements.

53. Davidknightwatchmaker.comdavidknightwatchmaker.com

网站简介:Articles and pictures of the first two watches made by David Knight. Rich artistic pictures.

54. Newearthtime.netnewearthtime.net

网站简介:A new proposed global time standard for the internet which divides each day into 360 degrees of time.

55. Maybeck.com/ztime/

网站简介:Article on the time at 0 degrees longitude. Covers the timezone origin, GMT, UTC, GCT, ZULU and JIG.

56. Minkukel.com/scripts/binary-clock/

网站简介:Compare a binary clock (just ones and zeros) with a standard clock and find out what time it is..

57. Apparent-wind.com/gmt-explained.html

网站简介:Explains the differences between several time systems.