
176. Historical.mytopo.comhistorical.mytopo.com

网站简介:Historical topographic maps of US East Coast states from 19th and early 20th century, scanned from original US Geological Survey maps

177. Eprints.nuim.ie/2476/

网站简介:Paper that considers five case-study cities and towns and compares spatial coverage, currency, and ground-truth positional accuracy. No clear winner is found amongst the three mapping platforms.

178. Osmhv.openstreetmap.deosmhv.openstreetmap.de

网站简介:A debugging tool for visualising Changesets in OpenStreetMap.

179. Taginfo.openstreetmap.detaginfo.openstreetmap.de

网站简介:A system for finding and aggregating information about OpenStreetMap tags. Provides sorted lists of common values found for each tag, with links to data downloads and tag documentation.

180. Newberry.org/collections/mapoverview.html

网站简介:Collection overview and lists of holdings.

181. Historylink101.com/historical_maps.htm

网站简介:Collection of historical and educational maps of ancient Africa, China, Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamia, Rome, Middle Ages and Prehistoric Man.

182. Unet.com.mk/oldmacedonianmaps/

网站简介:Macedonia from 1477 to 1928. Downloadable.

183. Bo.astro.it/~biblio/atlas/atlas-in.htm

网站简介:Celestial cartography maps.

184. Epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/206/301/lac-bac/canada_at_scale-ef/www.lac-bac.gc.ca/maps/index-e.html

网站简介:National Archives of Canada online exhibition with large collection of digital maps and historical explanation. 16th to 19th century maps of Canada and North America.

185. Uk.map24.comuk.map24.com

网站简介:Interactive maps and route planner. Information on a number of country, with geo-location used to redirect the surfer to their country of origin.

186. Ourcivilisation.com/smartboard/shop/tacitusc/histries/indexm.htm

网站简介:Maps of areas referred to by Cornelius Tacitus in "The Histories", A.D. 1.

187. Osmaptuner.salzburgresearch.atosmaptuner.salzburgresearch.at

网站简介:Android and Tablet PCs app for viewing and editing OSM tag data. Includes use cases, user manual, FAQ, and free downloads.

188. Overpass-api.de/public_transport.html

网站简介:Generates a rendered diagram of a public transport route with stop names positions along the line.ne.

189. Osm.virtuelle-loipe.de/restrictions/

网站简介:Tool to help visualise an check turn-based restrictions on highways in OpenStreetMap data.

190. Euratlas.com/summary.htm

网站简介:Maps showing political status of Europe and Mediterranean basin at the end of each century from AD 1 to AD 2000, plus maps of historical battle sites. Site in English and French.

191. Mappa-mercia.org/novam/

网站简介:Tool to help mappers check and merge imported public transport stop data from NaPTAN.

192. Chris-osm.blogspot.comchris-osm.blogspot.com

网站简介:Blog from Chris Hill detailing his progress with editing and using OpenStreetMap.

193. Abmaps.comabmaps.com

网站简介:Online interactive map of the world, with detailed street atlas for North America.

194. Prigsbee.com/maps/

网站简介:Antique maps (pre-1800) for the Pacific Ocean and its islands.

195. Bestofosm.orgbestofosm.org

网站简介:Site showcasing the best and most significant parts of the free world map.

196. Mapref.kunstpedia.commapref.kunstpedia.com

网站简介:A Web bibliography of non-printed reference material on the history of maps and cartography.

197. Mapswith.memapswith.me

网站简介:Smartphone app with offline maps using OpenStreetMap data. Site includes screenshots, user guide, and download links.

198. Onosm.orgonosm.org

网站简介:Tool to allow businesses to add their location and details to the map.

199. Oomap.co.ukoomap.co.uk

网站简介:A world map in a style suitable for orienteers, using OpenStreetMap data.

200. Openpistemap.orgopenpistemap.org

网站简介:Scrollable online map for winter sports, showing ski-runs, lifts, contours, and other useful amenities.