
51. Mapcraft.nanodesu.rumapcraft.nanodesu.ru

网站简介:A tool for tracking mapping progress during a mapping party or other coordinated project taking place in a concentrated area, using interactive cake diagrams.

52. Freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~genmaps/

网站简介:Great Britain maps, 16th through 19th century, divided into counties and regions.

53. Brocku.ca/maplibrary/

网站简介:Collection information and access to local and world outline maps.

54. Mapjack.commapjack.com

网站简介:Showcases a new mapping technology with street views of locations in Thailand and USA.

55. Loc.gov/maps/collections/

网站简介:Searchable collection of digitized maps in the public domain from North America, 1544-1996. Grouped into categories: cities, environment, exploration, immigration, military, and transportation.

56. Weait.com/content/build-your-own-openstreetmap-server

网站简介:Two-part article explaining how to set up a system to receive data from OSM, obtain the data, and use it to generate rendered maps.

57. Lib.uwaterloo.ca/locations/umd/index.html

网站简介:Online tour and detailed collection information.

58. Osm-wms.deosm-wms.de

网站简介:Relief map with transport, land-use and buildings overlay. Available as a WMS service.

59. Www4.uwm.edu/libraries/AGSL/

网站简介:General information, collection descriptions and lists, GIS overview, geographical bibliography, a few photographs and rare map images, and links to other cartographic sites.

60. Terrafly.comterrafly.com

网站简介:Provides United States Geological Survey photographs overlaid by street names, searchable by street address.

61. Mapkibera.orgmapkibera.org

网站简介:Project to map one of Africa's largest slums in Nairobi, Kenya. Includes the map, a project wiki, dicussion groups and photos.

62. Yournavigation.orgyournavigation.org

网站简介:Online map and router-finder built using OpenStreetMap data.

63. Https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/docs/refmaps.html

网站简介:Various maps of the world in both jpeg and pdf format that are updated annually.

64. Un.org/Depts/Cartographic/english/htmain.htm

网站简介:General country and special issues maps.

65. Memory.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/

网站简介:Top-level categories include cities and towns, cultural, landscapes, conservation and environment, military battles and campaigns, discovery and exploration, transportation and communication. Searchable by keyword, location, creator, subject, and title.

66. Multimap.commultimap.com

网站简介:Global mapping service including street maps of Europe, North America and Australia.

67. Lib.utexas.edu/maps/map_sites/hist_sites.html

网站简介:University of Texas-Austin Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection. 200+ links to other map collections; emphasis on 19th century America maps.

68. Library.yale.edu/MapColl/

网站简介:Geographically comprehensive collections consisting of over 200,000 map sheets, 3,000 atlases and 900 reference books, including approximately 15,000 rare (pre-1850) sheet maps that primarily pertain to North America, the United States and New England.

69. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Maps

网站简介:Offers presentation and history of the application.

70. Openstreetbrowser.orgopenstreetbrowser.org

网站简介:Online map with browsable and searchable point-of-interest database, to locate tourist attractions, businesses, and transport options.

71. Tools.geofabrik.de/osmi/

网站简介:Flag up a range of potential problems and errors on an interactive map.

72. Xn--pnvkarte-m4a.dexn--pnvkarte-m4a.de

网站简介:Online map showing public transport routes using data from OpenStreetMap.

73. Openstreetmap.infoopenstreetmap.info

网站简介:Website to accompany a German-language book about the OSM project. [Some site content in German only.]

74. Hoeckmann.de/deutschland/

网站简介:Maps of different parts of Germany at the end of the 18th century drawn by the author and links to maps of the same period show the political division of Germany

75. Library.illinois.edu/max/

网站简介:Information about the library plus on-line resources.