
26. Gla.ac.ukgla.ac.uk

网站简介:Official site.

27. Https://www.librarything.com/

网站简介:Catalogs yours books online. Free for up to 200 titles.

28. Ala.orgala.org

网站简介:The ALA is the oldest and largest library association in the world. Includes association information, news, events, and advocacy resources for members, librarians, and library users.

29. Zotero.orgzotero.org

网站简介:Firefox extension to aid the collection, management, and use of research sources. Details of features, project news, discussion forums, and download.

30. Nottingham.ac.uknottingham.ac.uk

网站简介:Official site, with information for prospective and current students, staff, visitors, alumni, and the media. Includes details of research and academic schools.

31. Citeulike.orgciteulike.org

网站简介:Search, organize, and share scholarly papers. Indexes over 2 million articles.

32. Questia.comquestia.com

网站简介:Paid subscription service that provides access to a large online collection of books and journal articles in the humanities and social sciences, plus magazine and newspaper articles.

33. Wmich.eduwmich.edu

网站简介:A four-year public research institution in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

34. Kcl.ac.ukkcl.ac.uk

网站简介:Official site of this London college.

35. Aucegypt.eduaucegypt.edu

网站简介:An American-style education with over thirty undergraduate, graduate and certification programs; includes admission, programs, faculty, library, publications, and alumni information.

36. Moma.orgmoma.org

网站简介:Research affiliation: Research Library Group.

37. Bl.ukbl.uk

网站简介:Official depository of the United Kingdom and one the largest research institutions in the world. Maintains collections of primary and secondary resource materials dealing with most areas of intellectual inquiry. Locations in London and West Yorkshire, United Kingdom.

38. Ushmm.orgushmm.org

网站简介:Research affiliation: Research Library Group.

39. Tcd.ietcd.ie

网站简介:Information for prospective and current students, academics and visitors.

40. Smu.edusmu.edu

网站简介:United Methodist Church-affiliated private university with an enrollment of 11,000 students.

41. Ncl.edu.twncl.edu.tw

网站简介:Introduction to the institution's history, structure and services, including references pertaining to available collections, research projects, and international collaborations. Located in Taipei.

42. Missouristate.edumissouristate.edu

网站简介:Springfield, MO

43. Library.upenn.edulibrary.upenn.edu

网站简介:Research affiliations: Association of Research Libraries, Research Library Group.

44. Uts.edu.auuts.edu.au

网站简介:UTS is a multi-campus university in Sydney, Australia, with more than 24,000 students enrolled.

45. Perseus.tufts.eduperseus.tufts.edu

网站简介:Includes texts from the classical and Renaissance world.

46. Bham.ac.ukbham.ac.uk

网站简介:The official site for the University.

47. Lib.utexas.edulib.utexas.edu

网站简介:Information on each of the libraries, online catalog, directory, FAQs and research guides.

48. Wright.eduwright.edu


49. Binghamton.edubinghamton.edu

网站简介:Official web site.

50. Ibiblio.orgibiblio.org

网站简介:A collaboration of the Center for the Public Domain and The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill to provide public domain material, organised by subject and UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) including journals, ebooks and a special collection of linux programs and documentation.