网站简介:Create, administer and distribute computer-based tests. Tests can include seven question types - multiple choice, true-false, ordering, fill in the blank, short answer, and click picture.
网站简介:Consulting firm specialising in real-time data warehousing and analytic solutions. Contains links to many articles by company founders.
网站简介:Based on the work of G. Altshuller.
网站简介:Cartography. Visualization. Design.
网站简介:Offers software that animates data, creating interactive displays that interface directly with databases.
网站简介:Works with integrators, consultants and others in specific markets to customize solutions based on the Semantica architecture. Features an FAQ, news and contact information.
网站简介:Offers portal software to integrate and deliver personalized aggregations of internal and external information, services, and applications. Features a description of the software, customer support, and contact details.
网站简介:Imaginatik provides Collective Intelligence and Idea Management software solutions and services. Website features company profile, description of services, articles, and contacts.
网站简介:Company providing geospatial and information visualization software, as well as Visual Analytics solutions. Focuses on providing solutions for heavy industries such as Energy, Transportation networks or Pharmaceuticals.
网站简介:is a graph and social networks visualization application published by FMS Advanced Systems Group.p.
网站简介:A blog dedicated to Sankey diagrams. These diagrams visualize material or energy flows with proportional arrow magnitudes. Phineas features sample Sankey diagrams and discusses them.
网站简介:Offers Semantic Web tools for download, including: Jena .NET, RDF Buddy and Triple Machine.
网站简介:A wiki about mind mapping and related diagrams. Features articles describing business, education and personal uses. Includes interactive (Flash) maps for navigation. Open for editing.
网站简介:Offers usability consulting. Includes resources, articles and courses. Located in Melbourne, Australia.
网站简介:Consultancy and training organization for senior executives and analysts in Strategic Planning and Competitive Intelligence. Features a subscription-based e-zine and library, seminars, news and contact information.
网站简介:Supports MindManager, FreeMind, JPG and indented (outline-style) text. Also features a formatting guide, a forum and examples.
网站简介:Consultants and developers in the area of analytics and data mining. Specialists with Java, Microsoft, Spotfire and Sonata. Features company methodology and technology white papers.
网站简介:A data visualization and reporting application published by Visokio.
网站简介:Generic data visualization tool and component.
网站简介:NaCTeM is a UK-based publicly funded text mining center serving primarily the academic community.y.
网站简介:Creates online collaborative environments that integrate data sources with structured conversations for action, allowing people to work together online as they do face-to-face. Features overviews and contact information.
网站简介:Includes links to Information Architecture resources by Jesse James Garrett.
网站简介:Develops and markets investigative management software solutions for financial, insurance, healthcare, law enforcement, homeland security and intelligence organizations. Features overviews, news, employment opportunities and contact information.
网站简介:Specializing in expanding the collaborative capacity of business and improving the ability of organizations to link knowledge via technology. Features articles, news and contact information.
网站简介:Providers of Open Inventor.