
51. Tangorin.comtangorin.com

网站简介:Online Japanese English dictionary with example sentences and kanji search based on character elements (Multi-Radical Search). Vocabulary lists.

52. Eudict.comeudict.com

网站简介:EUdict (European dictionary) is a multilanguage online dictionary. Available languages are: Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Bosniak, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Turkish, Ukrainian and Urdu.

53. Definitions.netdefinitions.net

网站简介:Search or browse thousands of definitions

54. Translatum.grtranslatum.gr

网站简介:A Greek translation portal containing web tools (interactive dictionary links for many languages, quotations, encyclopedia and thesauri interactive links, interlinear and parallel bibles), electronic dictionaries, machine translation, translation bibliographies, translation journals, a translation forum and an electronic text archive.

55. Humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Lexis/lexi-can/

网站简介:Dictionary server searchable by radical, stroke, Cantonese (in seven romanization systems) initial, final, or tone. Provides English translation, pronunciations, homophones, compound words, and dictionary references.

56. Wordcentral.comwordcentral.com

网站简介:Merriam-Webster's Word Central offers kids a student dictionary, Daily Buzzword, and interactive word games. Includes homework help and lesson plans for parents, teachers.

57. Skepdic.comskepdic.com

网站简介:Skeptical definitions and essays on occult, paranormal, supernatural and pseudoscientific ideas and practices.

58. Marketingterms.commarketingterms.com

网站简介:Marketing and internet marketing terms, acronyms, course syllabi, and recommended links.

59. Dictionary.law.comdictionary.law.com

网站简介:A law dictionary with multiple search options. Includes abbreviations and cross-referenced links.s.

60. Wordinfo.infowordinfo.info

网站简介:An English vocabulary dictionary with free searches for words

61. Phrontistery.infophrontistery.info

网站简介:A resource for obscure and rare words.

62. Fishbase.orgfishbase.org

网站简介:Searchable global database containing information on 25,585 species (110,000 common names), 71,000 synonyms, 28,000 photos, and 21,000 references.

63. Translate.getranslate.ge

网站简介:Georgian English and English Georgian online dictionary.

64. French-linguistics.co.ukfrench-linguistics.co.uk

网站简介:French/English dictionary, French grammar information and downloadable educational games by Neil Coffey.

65. Linedict.comlinedict.com

网站简介:Dictionaries searchable by English, Pinyin, Chinese character, radical-stroke, or handwriting recognition. Provides MP3 pronunciations, idioms, and usage examples. (UTF-8)

66. Glossary.oilfield.slb.comglossary.oilfield.slb.com

网站简介:Defines many terms related to oil and gas exploration and production. Includes illustrations.

67. Majstro.commajstro.com

网站简介:Based on the Ergane database, which uses the artificial language Esperanto to translate between three-dozen languages.

68. Netlingo.comnetlingo.com

网站简介:NetLingo.com has thousands of definitions that explain the online world of business, technology, and communication, including the largest collection of Internet acronyms and text message shorthand ;-) We entertain and educate students, teachers, parents, gamers, designers, techies, bloggers, journalists, and industry professionals worldwide. NetLingo has been the leading Internet dictionary since 1995 helping millions of people understand this new jargon.

69. Kamus.netkamus.net

网站简介:English-Indonesia-English online dictionary. Requires Javascript. Shows query word used in phrases.

70. Mnemonicdictionary.commnemonicdictionary.com

网站简介:Mnemonic Dictionary (MD) helps in learning and remembering word and it's meaning easily by providing memory aids (called mnemonics) for each word. Mnemonics connect to-be-remembered meaning of words with a systematic and organized set of images or words that are already firmly established in long-term memory and can therefore serve as reminder cues.

71. Worldwidewords.orgworldwidewords.org

网站简介:Explores the history, evolution byways, quirks, and curiosities of the English language. New and recent words and phrases are often featured, as are books on aspects of English. A weekly newsletter is sent by e-mail and RSS.

72. Diccionarios.comdiccionarios.com

网站简介:Nueve diccionarios que pueden consultarse en línea: General de la Lengua Española, Sinónimos y Antónimos, Conjugador Verbal, Español-Inglés-Español, Alemán-Español-Alemán, Francés-Español-Francés, Portugués-Español-Portugués, Italiano-Esp

73. Infovisual.infoinfovisual.info

网站简介:Thematic visual dictionary that focuses on learning through images. Concise definitions within the fields of vegetal biology, animal biology, human anatomy, and transportation.

74. Tritrans.nettritrans.net

网站简介:Word translator, supporting English, Spanish and Norwegian.

75. Lingo2word.comlingo2word.com

网站简介:Information on slang, abbreviations, emoticons and catch phrases used in text messages. Features translation service from "message lingo" to standard English, and vice versa.