
151. Loc.gov/collection/federal-writers-project/about-this-collection/

网站简介:Manuscripts deposited in the Library of Congress Manuscripts Division. The collection can be viewed online.

152. Cushing.library.tamu.educushing.library.tamu.edu

网站简介:Features history, collections, exhibits, services, and news.

153. Lhsa.lib.ed.ac.uklhsa.lib.ed.ac.uk

网站简介:A repository for institutional administrative and clinical records, private papers, photographs and objects relating to the past and present of Lothian Health, Scotland.

154. Archiveontario.comarchiveontario.com

网站简介:A records storage and management company based out of Barrie, Ontario. Archive offers a secure location to store and easily retrieve confidential documents.

155. Scottishrecordsassociation.orgscottishrecordsassociation.org

网站简介:A forum for users, owners and custodians of Scottish historical records; the provider of conferences, training events and publications about Scottish history and archives.

156. Afi.com/about/library.aspx

网站简介:Holds books, periodicals and special collections covering aspects of motion pictures and television. Collections include thousands of scripts and production records. Visitor information. Los Angeles, California.

157. Archives.mcgill.caarchives.mcgill.ca

网站简介:Inventories, records management policies and retention schedules, and transfer guidelines. Features a survey on managing university web sites, and a photograph exhibit on student life.

158. Devon.gov.uk/record_office.htm

网站简介:Exists to collect and preserve the historical records of Devon and to make them available to all who wish to study them. Outline of the records held at offices at Exeter, Barnstaple and Plymouth.

159. Essex.gov.uk/libraries-archives/Record-Office/Pages/Record-Office.aspx

网站简介:Collects and preserves the county's written heritage. Online catalogue. Also outline of holdings, services, branch offices and access points. Leaflets on specific types of source in pdf format.

160. Dundee.ac.uk/archives/

网站简介:Records of this Scottish university, together with business, organisational, church, legal and private records, including plans and photographs. Location, opening hours, collections.

161. Archivesnetworkwales.infoarchivesnetworkwales.info

网站简介:An online searchable catalogue of document collections in record offices, universities, museums and libraries in Wales.

162. Laguardiawagnerarchive.lagcc.cuny.edulaguardiawagnerarchive.lagcc.cuny.edu

网站简介:Documents the political and social history of New York City.

163. Chu.cam.ac.uk/archives/

网站简介:The papers of Sir Winston Churchill, and other archived documenting the Churchill era, held at Churchill College in Cambridge, United Kingdom.

164. Lib.neu.edu/archives

网站简介:Collects records from Northeastern University and from social justice organizations serving Boston's diverse, under-documented populations. Information about the collections and how to use them.

165. Movinghistory.ac.ukmovinghistory.ac.uk

网站简介:The guide to UK film and television archives in the public sector. Includes a map showing the regions covered by regional archives, and details of their collections.

166. State.me.us/sos/arc/

网站简介:Official depository of state government records.

167. Nirma.orgnirma.org

网站简介:Assists the nuclear energy and utilities industry with electronic record and information management.

168. Www3.uakron.edu/ahap/

网站简介:Holdings include primary materials from American psychologists, antique instruments used by psychologists, and outdated testing materials.

169. Westchesterarchives.comwestchesterarchives.com

网站简介:Online home of the archives of the government of Westchester County, New York. Includes information of interest to scholars, genealogists, students and the general public.

170. Https://www.sec.state.vt.us/archives-records.aspx

网站简介:Information, collections, and reference services.

171. Libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/libs/scua/university_archives/archives_main.shtml

网站简介:Exhibits on Rutgers history, inventories, and contact information. Features collection management and development policy.

172. Digitalfilmarchive.netdigitalfilmarchive.net

网站简介:Collection contains 55 hours of moving images about Northern Ireland from 1897-2000, including drama, animation, documentaries, news, newsreels, and amateur films.

173. Osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/archives/

网站简介:Contains retention schedule for all university records; illustrated guides to historical records, emphasizing agriculture, forestry, engineering, and marine resources; and photographic exhibits. Features include the online Archives and Records Management Handbook.

174. Epa.gov/records/

网站简介:Provides records management direction to EPA staffers in the form of policy, guidance, and other resources.

175. Freepages.history.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nashvillearchives/index.html

网站简介:Nonprofit chapter of The Friends of the Public Library of Nashville and Davidson.