
101. Girlscoutsgwm.orggirlscoutsgwm.org

网站简介:Located in Bedford, New Hampshire. Serving over 15,600 girls in New Hampshire and Vermont. Featuring cookie information, alumni, adult training courses, staff directory, and resource links.

102. Girlscouts-ssc.orggirlscouts-ssc.org

网站简介:Serving eastern Oregon, southern Idaho and northern Nevada, includes program information, contacts and resource center.

103. Denverboyscouts.orgdenverboyscouts.org

网站简介:Offers information on activities, contributions, staff contacts, camping and training information, forms, and district links.

104. Troopmaster.comtroopmaster.com

网站简介:Software for BSA Scouters.

105. Gshpa.orggshpa.org

网站简介:For Girls Scouts located in central PA. Provides program information, membership, volunteer training, news, calendar of events, camping, fund-raising, and contact information.

106. Dpsg.dedpsg.de

网站简介:official page of - Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft St. Georg

107. Kansasgirlscouts.orgkansasgirlscouts.org

网站简介:Serves 80 Kansas counties, approximately the western two-thirds of the state. More than 17,000 members: 12,500+ girls (grades K-12) and 4,500+ adult volunteers.

108. Girlscoutssa.orggirlscoutssa.org

网站简介:The world's largest organization dedicated to all girls ages 5-17, supported by adult volunteers. Find information, activities for girls, and adult resources for Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama.

109. Girlscoutssoaz.orggirlscoutssoaz.org

网站简介:Covers the southern region of the state and Native American communities, military installations, and border communities.

110. Troopkit.comtroopkit.com

网站简介:Software to plan Scout meetings and events, facilitate communication, monitor library and unit functions.

111. Thedump.scoutscan.comthedump.scoutscan.com

网站简介:A large compendium of downloadable scouting books and pamphlets as well as a selection of video files of Baden-Powell. Canadian oriented.

112. Svmbc.org/svmbc/

网站简介:Headquarters are in San Jose, California. Includes camping, directory, calendar, and training information.

113. Grandprix-software-central.comgrandprix-software-central.com

网站简介:Offers software for managing pinewood derby races. The software supports registration, several race scheduling methods, and a variety of parallel and serial port electronics.

114. Dds.dkdds.dk

网站简介:official page - Det Danske Spejderkorps (DDS)

115. Eaglescout.orgeaglescout.org

网站简介:Resources for youth and leaders to assist scouts to attain the Eagle Rank requirements.

116. Girlscoutshh.orggirlscoutshh.org

网站简介:Program information and event schedule for girls and volunteers in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester Counties in New York.

117. Scouts.org.nzscouts.org.nz

网站简介:WOSM member association official site.

118. Girlscoutsnyc.orggirlscoutsnyc.org

网站简介:The oldest and largest exclusively girl-serving agency in New York City, reaching more than 28,000 girls through the efforts of 9,100 adult volunteers.

119. Gsnc.orggsnc.org

网站简介:Membership information, program guidelines, activity schedule for Girl Scouts in Nassau County, New York.

120. Girlscoutsp2p.orggirlscoutsp2p.org

网站简介:Located in Asheville, North Carolina. Serves girls in 15 counties. Features membership information, Camp Pisgah, training programs, shop, and product sales.

121. Gsutah.orggsutah.org

网站简介:Contains registration and program information, staff directory, volunteer information, office location, and contacts.

122. Dragon.sleepdeprived.cadragon.sleepdeprived.ca

网站简介:Information resources on songs, games, camping, games, crafts and other activities for Girl Guides.

123. Threefirescouncil.orgthreefirescouncil.org

网站简介:Headquartered in St. Charles and serving youth in northern Illinois. Includes camps, and district, training, and contact information.

124. Girlscoutsccc.orggirlscoutsccc.org

网站简介:Serves over 10,000 girls and 5,000 volunteers throughout Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties.

125. Samoset.orgsamoset.org

网站简介:Serving youth and leaders in central and northern Wisconsin with headquarters in Weston. Offers information about camps, districts, training and local contacts.