
226. Gssc-mm.orggssc-mm.org

网站简介:Located in Columbia, South Carolina. Serving over 10,000 girls in 8 counties. Featuring program information, online forms, training calendar, bi-monthly newsletter, and camp information.

227. Gsdakotahorizons.orggsdakotahorizons.org

网站简介:Girl Scouts who reside in North Dakota are served by the Dakota Horizon council located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

228. Gswny.orggswny.org

网站简介:Program information for girl scouts in Buffalo and throughout Western New York. Join Girl Scouts, download forms, shop online for Girl Scout uniforms.

229. Gswestok.orggswestok.org

网站简介:Serving girls in 39 western counties in Oklahoma. Includes information on programs, camps, staff, shop hours, training and leader resources.

230. Hngirlscouts.orghngirlscouts.org

网站简介:Located in Charlotte, North Carolina. Serving girls in the Mecklenburg County and Carolina foothills. Featuring information on cookie sales, training, programs for age levels, service projects, news, events, and links.

231. Lhc-bsa.orglhc-bsa.org

网站简介:Covers scouting in southwestern and south-central Pennsylvania. Includes calendar and events, newsletter, district, training, and contact information, and on-line forms.

232. Gs-top.orggs-top.org

网站简介:Information on events, activities and training for girls and adults, location, and contacts. Serving Abilene, Amarillo, Fort Worth, Lubbock, and Wichita Falls Regions.

233. Cccbsa.orgcccbsa.org

网站简介:Council with headquarters in West Chester, Pennsylvania, serving scouts of Chester and northern Cecil Counties. Includes calendar, camps, newsletter, directory and contacts, and district information.

234. Scouts.iescouts.ie

网站简介:National Member Association of WOSM.

235. Hawkeyebsa.orghawkeyebsa.org

网站简介:Serving youth in Cedar Rapids (headquarters) and Iowa City, Iowa. Includes calendar, camps, training, districts, contact information and on-line forms.

236. Girlguides.org.augirlguides.org.au

网站简介:WAGGGS member association.

237. Https://www.gsnypenn.org/

网站简介:Serves girls in a 26-county area in New York and Pennsylvania. Site provides information on the Girl Scout program, news, and activities.

238. Mbcenter.orgmbcenter.org

网站简介:Provides links to many websites that can assist Scouts complete their merit badge requirements.

239. Ntier.orgntier.org

网站简介:Located in Manitoba Rainy Lakes District near Lake Superior. A National Camp on the Canadian border.

240. Outdooradventurestore.ieoutdooradventurestore.ie

网站简介:Scouting Ireland Shops. Includes locations, equipment availability, prices, and contacts.

241. Gtcbsa.orggtcbsa.org

网站简介:Service area includes Summit, Portage, Medina, and Northern Wayne Counties of Ohio, with headquarters in Akron. Offers historical information, current news, district events, training, and camping.

242. Trcscouting.orgtrcscouting.org

网站简介:Covers scouting in east central New York with headquarters in Albany. Includes calendar, events, newsletter, camps, district, training, and contact information, directory, OA Haudenosaunee Lodge #19, and its Chapters, and on-line forms.

243. Nnjbsa.orgnnjbsa.org

网站简介:Information on joining, scouting program, advancement, camping, councils and districts, news and resources.

244. Gsmists.orggsmists.org

网站简介:Girl Scout council serving more than 10,200 girls, ages 5 - 17, in 30 counties in northern and western Michigan. Program focus is leadership, strong values, social conscience, potential and self-worth.

245. Nmgirlscouts.orgnmgirlscouts.org

网站简介:Program information, camp facility description, events, resources and contact information for girls and volunteers.

246. Boyscouttrail.com/boy-scouts/merit-badges.asp

网站简介:Up-to-date database of every current Boy Scout merit badge, including current requirements and worksheets.

247. Holry.orgholry.org

网站简介:Sommers Alumni Association supports the mission and programs of the Charles L. Sommers National High Adventure Base and the Northern Tier National High Adventure Program of the Boy Scouts of America.

248. Https://bsa-brmc.org/

网站简介:Serving central and southern Virginia with headquarters in Roanoke. Includes calendar, maps, training and contact information, camps, and on-line forms.

249. Girlscoutsnca.orggirlscoutsnca.org

网站简介:With headquarters based in Birmingham, serves over 13,000 girls in a 36-county area.

250. Eij.org.ukeij.org.uk

网站简介:Essex. Includes FAQs, photographs and information about activities.